Epiales eyes glanced over her tanned legs before nodding, "not as much proof as their complaints are making it out to be...the chef was caught keeping a few of the fresh eggs for himself."

Amora nodded, "does he have a family?"

"A husband and a son."

"Well, first we must place someone to watch over him, just to make sure he isn't taking enough food to actually deprive the pack members and then we should import more food, so the cooks don't have to worry about having enough for themselves."

Epiales nodded in agreement, he hadn't considered simply importing more food.

"Okay, I shall put in another import from Alpha Jonathon's pack, we have plenty to export to him."

Amora smiled at him, eager to start a personal conversation, her heart was yearning for affection from him, she felt like an artist being deprived of a canvas.

"So, I heard you enjoyed 'King Lear' by Shakespeare?" Amora asked gently, not wanting to irritate him.

Epiales simply nodded at her, continuing to write in a small black notepad.

"Did you enjoy it? I thought it was very well written, but it is Shakespeare of course."

"Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly, but now I don't have time for such leisurely activities, being an Alpha requires a lot of time and effort," Epiales replied shortly, shutting down any of Amora's hopes to get closer to him.

"Epiales, how am I meant to stand by your side as Luna if you won't even talk to me? That's not how good leaders succeed," Amora complained, leaning forward to gain his attention.

"Amora, this, as I have mentioned several times, is strictly business, business partners only."

"Epiales, we aren't business partners for god's sake! We are soulmates. How are you doing this to me? To yourself? You don't feel that tug in your heart? You don't feel the urge to be near me? Please, please just at least try to accept the bond, I'm slowly going crazy," Amora pleaded, clasping her hands tightly together and looking directly into his eyes.

"Amora, get out."


"Get out of my office, you have your own."

Her eyes move away from his cold stare, it sent an icy pain down her chest when he looked at her like that. No one had ever looked at her like that before, not besides her Alpha.

Silently, Amora stood up and ran out of his office, she ran right past her own office and straight into her bedroom, sitting on the bottom of the bed and picking up her copy of 'King Lear.'

"I won't be needing anymore plays," she mumbled, her throat aching with the urge to cry, "I could read a thousand plays and he wouldn't care."

She fell back on her bed, the play resting on her chest as she stares at the blank ceiling, "what did I do?"

Epiales sighed angrily at himself as he watched Amora run out of the door. He could feel his wolf nagging inside of him, sending rapid shocks of sadness through his head quicker than he could push it away.

"Fine! I'll go see her," he growled, pushing his work aside and taking long strides to Amora's room, where her scent was strongest.

"Amora! Open up," he called.

"Not now Epiales, you've made it very clear that you don't care about me," Amora's strained voice shouts from behind the door.

He barges into her room to see her lying on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Amora growls and sits up on her bed, "wasn't I clear enough? I don't want you in here Epiales, I can't take seeing you anymore, not if you are going to treat me like this."

"You are not acting like a Luna, you need to always put the pack first!" Epiales shouts.

"If I wasn't putting the pack first I would've walked right out of here! I can't stand being near you knowing that you'll never even give me a chance, it hurts so much Epiales," Amora screams, a lone tear escaping her eye. She quickly wipes it away and rises to her feet, walking over to Epiales.

She stands in front of him, coming just to his shoulder, and stares up into his eyes and she does something she never thought she'd do, or even have to do, in her life. She slaps him.

She raises her hand and forcefully slaps him across his face, it seemed like it was in slow motion for her, she could see the look of shock on his face when her hand made contact with his cheek, she could see him reaching to cup his face in pain and staring down at her icily.

Amora sighs and lets her hand fall back to her side.

"I am your Alpha! You will treat me with respect!" He roars, grabbing onto her shoulders.

"That is rich coming from you! You haven't once treated me with respect since I got here and I am your Luna!" She screams back, shoving his cold hands from her shoulders as though they were sharp knives digging into her.

Epiales' mouth shuts and all he can do is stare at her with his icy eyes, Amora desperately searched for something in them, regret, love, sadness, anything but all she could see was a void, and it terrified her.

Unable to look at him anymore, she sits on her bed, tucking her legs under her covers and hiking them up to her chest and resting her chin on her knee.

Epiales mutters something under his breath and goes to leave the room, stopping in the doorway to look at her. He could hear quiet sniffles coming from her and it made him freeze, he wasn't being that cruel, was he? Surely Amora knew it was for the best for the pack.

She looked up, her eyes stained bloodshot and her lip trembling as he stares intently at her, not moving closer but he felt as though he was sitting right beside her.

"You're breaking my heart!" Amora cries, clutching her chest tightly as her body racks with sobs.

Epiales, who was still standing in the door way, looked away, unable to stare at her anymore and for the first time in a long time he felt a searing pain shoot through his heart, it felt as though she had came and ripped it right out of his chest. He took a deep breath and walked out the door, leaving Amora more broken than she already was.

Alpha EpialesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ