"Cool, see you then"He said before walking away.

After he walked away, I turned and saw Olivia typing away on her phone. The speed at which her tiny fingers were moving was amazing.

"So far your plan seems to be working" I said.

"Yep, we're right on track, except for that 'she'll watch anime' thing" She said.

"I had to improvise" I said shrugging.

"Now's not the time, I have to go get Boze on board with this" She said standing up.

"Good luck with that, I guess I'll go finish the day" I said.

"Nuh uh, you have to go get ready" Olivia said.

"Huh? Why do I need to get ready? We're not even going to be there that long" I said confused.

"Maybe so but, I still want you to look nice, for me" She said eyeing me.

"Oh, message understood" I said winking.

"See you later" Olivia said with a kiss.

Olivia gracefully walked off down the hall while I threw my trash away. Time to go get ready I guess. Where to begin? I texted Keith for some sporadic fashion advice for tonight and he responded with something black. Seems easy enough. I said goodbye to everyone at the office before heading home.

 I was currently standing in front of my small closet trying to decide what to wear. Usually there wasn't a lot of options but recently I've tried to switch up my wardrobe and add more personality. Keith did say something black, so I should start there.

I decided on a pair of black jeans with some nice white shoes. Now what shirt to wear, hmm. I was stuck between this nice floral button up or a nice pink shirt. I went with my gut and chose the button up. Almost as soon as I finished getting dressed, Olivia texted that she was outside.I went over to the front door and let her in.

"Hello love" Olivia said walking.

Damn. Olivia showed up wearing some tight black pants with a loose fitting red t shirt emblazoned with a random band logo. She caught me staring at her and smiled.

"Remember, tonight is supposed to be about Damien and Boze" She said.

"Right" I said nodding.

"Also, you don't look so bad yourself" Olivia said eyeing me up and down.

I knew that look, but I chose not to say anything because we need to get out of here on time.

"You wanna drive or should I?" I asked.

"Well since I drove here, why don't you drive so I can stay here tonight" She suggested.

"Ok sure, lemme get my keys" I said.

Olivia acknowledged me and then went outside to wait by the car. I locked the door behind me and joined her in the car. She checked her makeup in the mirror while I drove out of the parking lot.

Time skip...

"Remind me to give the valet guy a tip when we leave" I said to Olivia.

"Gotcha" She said looking around the venue for someone.

"Relax they'll be here" I said interlocking our hands.

"I know, I just hope they're on time" She said.

We walked to the hostess and claimed our reservation. A short waitress took us to our table in the back of the restaurant. I ordered some water for all four of us while Olivia checked her phone.

Shaylivia -- One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن