Chapter 15

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Wei was at work, not knowing what was happening with the two men he cared about most in the world.

While Yezun was finishing his painting, Yunlan stayed home, and he's now pacing around his room, waiting for his father to come home.

Unlike Yezun, Yunlan is very nervous, he hasn't had a serious, pacific conversation with his father since... actually he can't remember if there ever was one.

Whenever they talked, Yunlan always tended to be sarcastic, or defensive, or childish... it's just that the child in him had never forgiven his father for taking away his mother.

He isn't a child anymore, and it's about time he stopped blaming his father, he always knew that it wasn't his fault and that his father has suffered a lot too.

How difficult had it been for him to lose his love and then find himself alone with a child that wouldn't accept him, that would do anything to defy him and make him angry.

It had been Yunlan's only way of dealing with a loss he couldn't understand. How many times had he screamed, "I will only obey my mom!" as if the man could really bring her back.

Growing up he had started to crave for his only parent's attention, drinking and getting in trouble any chance he got.

Like any kid, he had wanted his father praises, but he hadn't know how to obtain it. Old habits were hard to change.

He had to admit now that his father never gave up on him, every time he got angry a secret part of Yunlan rejoyced at his interest, knowing that at least he cared, and he wasn't really alone.

Now it was time to change things. He has thought a lot and has come up with a plan. Since they have never really talked much, he has no idea how his father will react to his choice of partner, but one thing he knows is that the man wants him to be responsible and think of his future, so that he won't have to worry about him anymore.

Yunlan watches the clock again, waiting for his father to come home. He will give him responsible!

As it is, the two old men were out together talking about their children, so it’s already evening when his dad walks in.

Yunlan feels the tension rise inside him and a sudden impulse to run away, but he doesn't,  he takes a deep breath instead, he has made a decision already and has no intention to back down, but it’s the first time in their lives that he’ll have such a conversation with his father so he's all shaking inside.

Not suspecting anything, Mr Zhao takes off his jacket only to find himself face to face with his son as soon as he turns around.

"Dad, I need to talk to you."

There seems to be something different about Yunlan that his father can't quite point out just yet.

"What is it, son?"

"I will not marry Zhu Hong."

It's not a question or a complaint, but a firm statement and his father is surprised, but he quickly regains his composure.

"We already discussed that, you need someone to take care of your irresponsible self!"

"I totally agree."

Now Mr Zhao is shocked, his son is agreeing with him? What is going on, what happened to him?

"Then you see..."

"But I don't want a wife."


"I want a husband."

Good thing that Mr Zhao wasn't drinking anything yet or he would have choked on the spot. He finds a chair to sits down because his head is spinning.
"What are you saying..."

Another deep breath and Yunlan says, "I'm saying that I found myself a good man, which I think is a very good reason for not marrying Zhu Hong."

The old man lets those words sink in, trying to make sense of it. Yunlan can see in his face that he's about to say something with his usual matter-of-fact tone that doesn't allow any kind of confrontation, but Yunlan is ready for it.

He hasn't waited all day to have a fight with his father, he doesn't want to break contacts with him.

How would Wei feel after knowing that he's the reason father and son don't talk to each other anymore?

He doesn't want Wei to go through that, it wouldn't really be his fault but he's sure that Wei would think it was, so if possible he's trying to make his relationship with his father better than the mess it was before.

"But you are right," Yunlan says before his father can say a word. "It's time I grow up and think of my future, so I've decided that I will join the Academy."

Good thing that Mr Zhao is already seated because the shocks just keep coming!


"The police academy. I don't want to be a soldier, I want to be a policeman."

The silence reigns for a long while. Yunlan can't read anything on his father's face, but he has said what he had to say and now he can only wait and hope that it will work.

Mr Zhao is trying to overcome so many shocks! His brain thinks of everything that just happened with his son, confronting him so openly, without yelling or throwing tantrums, reasoning like an adult, refusing to marry Zhu's daughter, finding himself a good... man, but let's get back to that later. Yunlan wants to grow up, think of his future and become a policeman?

His son Yunlan? Is he for real?

"Have you really thought about it? This is a serious commitment, not something you can take lightly. Are you doing this to impress... that person?"

Yunlan considers his answer, honesty seems to be the best course at this point. "That too, yes, and giving up wouldn't make much of a good impression, would it?"

There's a long silence then Mr Zhao says, "I want to meet him. Bring him home tomorrow. I'll talk to Zhu myself. The engagement is off, but you listen to me, whatever happens with him, you will now join the Academy!"

Yunlan is quick to nod in agreement, then runs out before he can think twice about it.

Yunlan is quick to nod in agreement, then runs out before he can think twice about it

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