2. Trapped

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( Kaden in the picture )

Maria came in my room and plopped down into my chair by the window, where my laptop was plugged in.

She had taken out her long black hair and was now left with her short but sexy short hair. I thought it was sexy on her, and my sister didn't need all that extra shit to make herself pretty. She was beautiful all on her own..


My mother's loud voice signified that she was angry, and she hardly ever yelled at us.

In a blur, Maria grabbed on my arm and pulled us both downstairs quick as hell, nervously glancing back at me to see if I was or wasn't lagging behind.

"Kaden, you then had some lil bitch over here ?"

She asked cautiously, and I wanted to laugh, but I knew better. I just looked at her like she was stupid. In order to get a bitch in my room, they'd have to pass through my mother's office by the front door, and having one climb through my window was out of the question. It was on the second floor, so what the fuck ?


I rolled my eyes but answered her nonetheless and felt Maria grab my hand as she gave me a nervous look. I squeezed it and smiled.

"Ma, I aint have no bitch in your house. You know my damn pops ain't raise me like that."

She reached forward to smack me, and I blinked my eyes in surprise as I felt my skin start to burn.

"What the fuck was that for ?"

"Kaden, I found a thong that I KNOW ain't mine in my bedroom, under my pillow this morning. I Know it aint Martin's, so it has to be yours."

Maria scowled and I couldn't stop what came out of her mouth.

"How you know it wasn't Martin's ? He bri-"

I tugged on Maria's hand and brought her into my side as I shook my head quickly. From across the room, Martin sat on the couch with a big ass smug smirk on his ugly face.

He was such a fucking liar. He brought in women every night, and didn't bother to hide their necklaces, or underwear. He just either put them in Maria's room, or mine, and accused us of shit we never did.

Of course, my mom never believed us, and we were always punished.

"You know what Kaden, Maria, give me both of y'all phones. I can't even believe y'all would try and lie on your step father like that. He supports us and you need to treat him as such."

Maria took out her small ass metro phone and gave it to my mother, and I pulled mine out of my sweats and threw it across the room.

"You can take this cheap ass phone ! Yo broke ass can't even pay the bill the shit ain't even on ! You ain't even got a pot to piss in and you letting some nigga control yo ass. Fuck you man. You let some foreign nigga come before your own kids. How would our dead pops feel if he knew what your worthless ass was doing ?"

I yelled at the top og my lungs and Maria pulled on my hand before moma could snatch me up. She ran upstairs with me in front of her and pushed me in my room, her following behind.

She locked the door and sighed as her hands found themselves on her thick hips.

"Kae what the fuck was that ?!"

Maria glared at me and I sighed as I leaned against the only pillow I had. It was made out of clean clothes and a single pillow sheet. My mom couldn't afford to buy us real pillows, so we made do with what we had. We barely had enough money to eat every night.

Me and Maria only dressed in the latest shit because we shopped at Playto's Closet and never told anyone where we got our shit from. It was sad, but I'd do anything to have clothes on me, and my beautiful sister's back.

"Maria I'm tired of moma taking that nugga side. I wanna fucking nut up on his ass..but I don't wanna put us in danger.."

Maria smiled slightly and walked over to me, climbing in my bed with me and laying her head on my chest like she always did when we were kids.

Me and Maria weren't related by blood. We had different mothers. Emmy was already birthed by another woman, and my pops chose her mother after mine. I was born before Maria, being that im 19 and she's 17. I met her when I was 8, and she was 6. From that day on, we couldn't be seperated. Her mother didn't mind that I was raised by another woman, and she treated me like her own.

One fateful day, her mother died of cancer while I was 11, and she was 9. She was so young she didn't understand, but I did, and I was devastated. I hated my real mother, and I still do.

My pops took it the hardest, and He was so hurt and upset when she died. He took Maria in, and then got back with my bitch ass moma. Pops suffered from a tumor in his brain, and when it was first discovered, it was harmless. But since my moma stressed him out so bad, it became cancerous over the years, and it eventually killed him 3 years ago. I was 16, and Maria was 14.

It hurt, it hurt bad. Because now me and Maria were alone. My mom became even more broke and shittier when my pops died, and then she started fucking and sucking any nigga she could, for love, drugs, and most of all money.

She's had to many miscarriages, way to many. Me and Maria begged her to stop getting them cause they were hurting her, but secretly we were glad. We already struggled to eat everynight..how would we feed even more mouths ?

2 years after my pops died is when she met Martin. He told her bullshit like every other man did just for some head and quick pussy. Now she does everything for him, no questions asked. Its pathetic, and I wish that nigga was never born.

"K-kae..you're hurting me.."

I blinked several times and realized I was squeezing Emmy to hard. I let go of her quickly and sighed.

Why did we have to be trapped in a fucking life we didn't ask for man ?

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