"Answer the question, Peter," I demanded.

"Nothing you need to worry about," He played off.

"Tell me."

"No, you tell me what's wrong."

"I think I'm going into labor," I groaned as another pain shot through me.

"L-labor. Shit, um, Reily stay here with Mel and I'll tell Snow to get here."

"Can't you just flash her here?" Reily asked.

"Interdimenional magic is risky. It would take more time trying to find her on this island if I conjured her up than her coming here from a magic bean," Peter explained and left the tent.

There was only the sound of my pain caused groans. After the, uh argument that Reily and I just had, that it not surprising that we don't really want to talk to one another.

Light footsteps hit the ground, almost entering the tent. Soon I saw the top hairs of Zach's head bob in and out of my vision.

"Mommy? You're staying!" Zach cheered.

"That's right buddy. You can't get rid of me that easily," I smiled at him. I saw Reily who admired the smile that was playing on Zach's face.

"I would never want to get rid of you mommy. I love you," He chirped and got on the bed next to me to give me a hug.

"I love you too, Zachy," I laughed.

Another pang of pain stabbed and my body tightened.

"Reily? What's wrong with Mommy?"

"She's um, well you see, Melody is going to have kids on her own. Pan is the dad and Melody will be the kids' true mom," Reily tried to explain.

"You're replacing me?" Zach murmured.

"No, of course not! I will always love you Zach, but I will love my kids, too. It's like if you have had this toy that you love so much but you get too more toys that you love too. You can't pick a favorite because they are all so perfect in their own way," I defeneded.

Zach nodded and snuggled closer into my side.

"You should give Melody some space, Bud. She's in a lot of pain right now. You can see her in the morning. You'll probably see two little babies tomorrow also," Reily told Zach.

"Okay," Zach said. I kissed his forehead and he did the same. When I shot him a confused look, he said, "Its extra luck. I want you to feel better."

I smiled as he went over to Reily and hugged him. We exchanged good-byes and his loving presense left.That little boy means so much to me. It's so hard to explain.

"Um, I shouldn't have said those things from earlier," Reily confessed. "I was just angry. I really wasn't thinking about Zach. In both battles we had, I was only thinking about myself. I wanted what was best for my life. I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me."

"I should me the one asking for your forgiveness. All of what you said was true, expect me sleeping with four different guys. It has only been Peter, but that monologue in whole was pretty accurrate. I pulled some guys along and I shouldn't have done that. I do act really selfishly."

"But it wasn't my place to be the one to say those things to you."

"Who else would have?"

Silence crept in and hung out for a while. All I could do is look at Reily. We were both discouraged by our previous actions.

After a couple of more contracions, Peter came in with Snow right beside him.


Quick and easy 4 hour labor passed and I hold my newborn girl in my arms. Peter has our boy. Snow cleaned them off and my little girl slept peacefully in my tired arms. I wanted to fall cuit, but I haven't had a chance to hold my son yet.

Snow and Reily gave us our space with our new children.

"What do you want to name them?" I asked Peter who laid beside me, playing cheerfully with our son.

"Reily was trying to convice me into naming our boy Hunter. I sorta really like the name. What do you think?" 

"Hunter is perfect. What about Cassie for this little beauty," I asked refering to our sleeping daughter in my arms.

"Aurora seems to fit her, but Cassie is just as wonderful," Peter smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Are you sure? Their names aren't going to change."

"I'm well aware on what naming is," Peter chuckled. "The names are perfect, love."

"Now will you tell me why you have blood on your shirt?"

"Its not the time to talk about that. This is a happy moment. It's the first time we are holding our children. Let's not ruin it."

"You're lucky that giving birth to twins is tiring. I can hardly think straight. Just promise that you will tell me in the morning."

"Of course. Now let me hold my beautiful daughter," Peter smiled.

I handed Cassie to Peter and he handed Hunter to me. His eyes resembled Peter's. His lips too. Unlike Cassie, Hunter was wide awake. His lips formed into a makeshift smile. I cradled him in my arms and he held onto one of my fingers.

"Beautiful," Peter admired from beside me. "She looks just like her mother."

"And Hunter looks just like his father, except I think I see my black hair on his tiny little eyebrows."

"Well I think that Cassie has my hair color," He stated proudly.

Snow entered with a smile on her face. She told us that both of the babies should get some rest and so should we. So we placed our lovely children in their separate cradles. Once the nights went out I heard a loud cry coming from one of the kids.

Peter put the light back on and I saw Hunter trying to roll around in his bed. His little arm tried to point to his twin, and little sister next to him. I padded over to him and picked him up from his bed. He stopped crying, but started again once I started to put him back into his bed. I tried to bring him to Cassie and the crying immediatly stopped.

"Do you want to sleep with your little sister, Hunter?" I asked, knowing that he didn't understand. I placed him next to Cassie in her bed and he yawned. He hasn't lived longer than a day, but he already loves her.

I walked back over to Peter and he slung an arm around my waist letting sleep fill my senses.

"You've had you're kids, now it's time for us to play," The familar growl of my ex-lover over flowed my senses. "You act as though I will just go away. You're stuck with me, little cub." 


You guys must hate me... I haven't updated in FOREVER. I've been so busy with school and everything. I'll try to update more but Chemistry is a killer. Goodness. 


Well I hope everything is great in your lives cause I am lacking the joy that I used to have... yay... 

If ya want you can check out my imagine book that I write with Dusk_x on our joint account, Rebel_Writers That would be extra awesome. I usually update more there than I have been on this book because imagines are quicker to write then writing a chapter here so do check out that.

Oh and a few of you have been wondering what I look like so I changed my profile picture... I know I'm ugly you don't have to tell me that.

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें