All About You!

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Okay, I know that I should be updating, but I'm a horrible person so I'm not! I have been watching A LOT of YouTube videos because I am just that lame. My friend made a YouTube channel, and I have been thinking that maybe I should make one. I don't really know. SOOOO That's what I am asking you about today....

Would any of you watch stupid, pointless videos that I would make? It probably would be based around OUAT and Peter Pan, but I might add in a couple of different fandoms... Tell me what you think....

Vote if you would watch some videos and also Comment if you think that it is a good idea!!!

Love YOu ALl!

Okay SO I made a video.... Find me on youtube at

Just copy and Paste Love you all

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now