Chapter 22

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10 days, 13 hours, and 47 minutes since my hope was taken away. I can hardly remember his face. His name came to me harder. I know it started with a P. I think. I think that the shadow takes away a little more than hope. Its slowly taken my memory with it. It come once a day now. Felix needs to make sure that my hope for P us fully gone. I haven't seen Sebastian since that fateful day. Felix says that I neeed to loose all hope before faith is restored.

He wants me to be on the brink of dying, so that Sebastian can be my savour. I can't tell the difference between his lies and the truth. It all gets intertwined into a rope course of words. Thundering footsteps casade down the stone stairs. I hundle on to my wooden bed. Not again. This would be twice in one day.

The shadow is painful. More painful than you could ever imagine. He is literally ripping away at your hope. Hope is your second skin. It protects you so that the darkness doesn't reach your purity. But when hope its being torn off your body you have a sense of vunerability. The darkness touches your heart and pain starts to course through your viens.

"Melody, how are you down there?" Felix says as he steps into my cell.

"Like you care!" I screamed.

"I do, Melody. I really do."

"Then why do you keep me down here?"

"You know why. Its not safe enough for you. If you go up there now, you knows what will happen."

"Then why are you here?"

"You act like I'm stupid. My shadow needs another hit."

"What do you want from me anyways? You already had your shadow after me."

"Yes I know, but you are so close to success. You have just a little bit of hope left in you. Don't you want to leave, to sleep in a real bed, eat heathly food? If you allow me to do this now, then you can come upstairs and eat with us tonight. This will be the last time. I promise," Felix told me and sat down on the bed next to me.

I looked up at him with tear laced eyes. There was sympathy in his soul. I could feel it. It was an essence. I could leave. I didn't have to stay in a damp basement cell. I could see the sunlight. I have forgotten what it felt like on my skin.

I gave Felix small nod and he left my bedside to get the chest which he lefted outside my cell door. He returned with the all to familar brown chest with silver designs swirled across it. It was rattling, and the closer Felix brought the box to me, the more it shook.

"I am sorry Melody. Remember this is your last time," Felix reminded me. He lowed the box to the ground, unlatched the locks and ran over to me. He always hugged me as I went through the process. It was weird yet comforting.

The pain coursed through my veins. The warmth was being ripped away from my body. Shivers flung down my spine. It felt like I was being skinned alive. I screamed in pain and hang on to Felix.

"Shhh, you are doing great. Just a couple more minutes," Felix whispered in my ear. At least I think he whispered, the pain was too deep into my bones. A blood curtailing scream slipped from my lips. The pain was unbearable.

Felix is rubbing my back. The skin to skin contact with his hand and my shoulder actually relaxed me. The pain was still there, but at this point it was starting to numb up. It was still ripping up my internal hope.

After several more screams, the pain was lifted off of my shoulders. I rolled back into Felix's chest. Exstaution fell over me. You know how when you cry and the emotions rush through you. This is like ten times worse.

I practically fell asleep on Felix. I hate this so much, but I didn't have the energy to move.I was about to be taken into a deep sleep when my body was lifted up and off of Felix's chest. My energy was so low that I couldn't even open my eye lids. I just wanted to sleep.

I did smell something though. It was a musky, nature-like scent. It was intriging. I loved it. I stangly loved it.

The, what I assume to be a, man carried me up a couple of flights of stairs.He carried me until I was gently placed on a bed. A real bed. I felt like I was floating on clouds. It was a wonderful sensation. I drifted into a soothing sleep.


I woke up to the sweet sound of music. It was beautiful. The male singer had such a deep and rich tone. I almost didn't want to open my eyes. It was so beautiful that I wanted to soak in every second of it. The french lyrics with the acustic song, melting my heart.

When the acustic guitar song ended, I slowly lifted my weepy eye lids. It was Sebastian with a light brown acustic guitar draped over his shoulder. He was looking at me with his dark eyes full of hope. Thats what I need right now, hope.

I sat up and smiled. I never realized that live music could be this amazing.

"That was really good," I told him. He smiled at me and it showed his dipples. I have never noticed them before.

"Thanks. My father taught me it ever since I was young," Sebastian confessed. "How was your nap?"

"Great. It was the first time I actually slept within the past 10 days," I laughed it off, but it does kind of sting.

"Wow, I'm so sorry. Felix never let me talk to you ever. He told me that you had a bed."

"If you consider a blanket over a wooden table a bed, then yes. What time is it?"

"A little past midnight."

"Oh my gosh! I did not mean to sleep in that long! Dammit!"

"Its fine."

"Soo, What do you want to do?" I asked to break the awkward silence.

"Felix has an amazing green house. Do you want to check it out?"

"Uh, Sure! Sounds like fun," I said. I stood up from the bed, and realized what state I was in. My hair was flying everywhere, and I stunk. I mean like really stunk! "Can I clean up a bit before we go?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Anything,"

"Thanks. I'll just meet you there," I said even though I have no idea where it is. Oh well. I'll figure it out.

"Okay, see you there," Sebastian said and gave me a sweet smile before he left the room.

I scanned the room to find a door to the bathroom. Luckily there was one attacted to the room. It quickly slipped into the room. The shower was huge! I am actually excited it take one. I mean after ten day so would you.

I examined myself before I turned the hot water on. I looked like I died, again. Dark bags were sagging down on my eyes. My skin was absolutly bleak and pale.

After my long, warm shower I wrapped my towel around my body. I wasn't about to put my dirty clothes back on. I am just hoping that, for some odd reason, Sebastian has clothes that would fit me lying around.

I checked all around the room, before I gave up trying. I saw a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that look on the smaller end. I slipped the grey pants and the dark green shirt. I have grown found of the color. There is something about it. Its like I am meant to wear it or I have some sort of connection with it.

I twirled my hair in a braid and b=made my way into the hallway. There was some strange noise coming from the bottom of the staircase. I, dumbly, followed it. Searching the halls, I finally found the source.

I pushed open the door that was the final barrier between myself and the noise making thing.

It was Felix.... with some redheaded chick. They were literally swapping saliva. It was so.. shocking. I gasped. What idiot would fall for a dick like Felix.

Felix quickly pulled the slut off of him and cleared his voice.

"Melody this is Kiara," Felix explained.

"his girlfriend," Kiara finished with a cocky grin plastered on her face.

Hey guys! Why didn't you comment as much in my last chapter? :(. Oh well. Sorry its a filler chapter. Remember to vote and comment for this chapter!

Please check out my new Harry Styles AU called Our Voices. It would mean a lot. Thanks Love ya guys. If anyone wants to message me, then do it. I love talking to you guys!

Oh and do you guys like the new cover??

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