Chapter 32

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Thats impossible. I couldn't have these bruises. I couldn't be dreaming like that. I love Peter! No one else. I can't believe I was acting that way, dream or not. How did I get the bruises though. I never left the room. At least I think I didn't. Sebastian must have gotten into my head somehow. That has to be what happened. Nothing else would explain it. I wouldn't do the things I did in real life I love Peter too much to hurt him.

I quickly put on a shirt that will hide the new bruises and shook Peter awake. He was still partially out of it when I tried to talk to him.

"I am going out to pick some berries. I will be back in a couple of minutes," I told him a kissed his forehead. He let out a groan and rolled back over. Some one is not an early bird.

I quietly snuck out of the hut and went to the closet berry bush. It was far enough away that I couldn't see the tent, but close enough that if I screamed, Peter could hear me. I grabbed a basket from the pile that the lost boys left and was collecting blueberries in it.

I heard a twig break and snapped my body around to see Sebastian towering over me. He smiled and I could feel his breath on my face.

"Don't you dare and try anything, or I will call for Peter," I snarled at him.

"Did you like your little dream last night?" Sebastian smirked and stepped closer. I would have stepped back, but I would be running into the berries. I don't want to murder the only food source.

"What do you want? Do you want to toture me?" My breath hitched as he stepped closer and placed a hand on my waist.

"No, not at all. I want you to realize what we have," He breathed. With his other hand, Sebastian gently brushed some of the hair that covered my face.

"We have nothing! I don't love you! I am in love with Peter!" I yelled at him.

"That's not what it looked like last night. You loved it didn't you. You love my love," Sebastian played and gently grabbed my neck.

I know what I should do. I should scream for Peter. I should push him away. I shouldn't be staring into his dark eyes. It's not right I can't do this. Peter could compute any minute and assume what was happening. I can't let him do that.

But there was a small twitch in my heart. There is a creature in my soul from hell, controlling my thoughts. For an instance, just one blurb in time, I wanted him. I wanted his soft silver hair. I wanted his soft and yet rough kiss. I wanted it, I needed it.

I bit my lower lip to focus on my thoughts. I shouldn't be doing this, I can't. There is just this growing urge to smash my lips on his. I will refuse the delightful fire. I can't let him know about the growing flame.

"Sebastian, stop! I will never you love you like I love Peter!" I retorted.

"But you do love me," He looked at my lips, then snapped his eyes back up to mine.

"Just leave," I murmured. He removed his hands and kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you tonight, little cub."

With those words, he left and I was alone again. There is no way I am telling Peter about this. He will freak out and do something stupid. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breathes to recover from my demonic thoughts.

I won't sleep tonight, I can't. I can't let myself fall under his spell! I am such a terrible person. I have a guy who loves me, waiting in our new home, and I am out here with Sebastian. I hate myself so much.

I picked the rest of the berries from that particular bush and headed back to Peter. He wasn't in the bedroom, so I put my basket down went out searching for him. He wasn't anywhere in the camp.

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora