Chapter 44

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*Hello!!!! Okay so this is an actually Chapter! YAY!! I hope you guys enjoy :)*

Peter left after his promise to do his duties as the ruler of Neverland. My face is still flushed from the promise. Tonight. We are going to have a baby. Its all surreal. I love Peter to death and now our love will be shared with a child, our child.

The lost boys continued to do whatever they were doing before. I really should get to know them better, now that it's kinda offical that I will be staying here for a very long time.

"Hey Melody," Felix said from behind me, breaking me from my train of thought.

"Hi," I blankly responded after turning to become face to face with him.

"Look, I'm really sorry about how I handled the situation with Pan's father. I just didn't want to lose you guys. You are the closest thing I have to family. All I wanted is for you two to be safe," Felix admitted.

"It's okay Felix. I wasn't upset at all. And you are like an older brother to me now, and you've been Peter's brother so I'm sure that your intentions were good," I replied, sending him a soft smile.

"I sorta left out something about the, well you know."

I nodded, understanding that we was talking about the pregancy.

"It will be a lot shorter than most. The dark one said that it shouldn't take more than 2 months for the baby to grow," He shrugged.

"Wait, are you being serious?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you before. It just didn't seem like the right time for whatever reason."

I combed my fingers through my hair. Two months. Basically 60 days until my baby will be born. I was hoping for more time to adjust and prepare. I hope that Peter won't freak out about this.

"Um, okay. Thanks for telling me, I guess. I, uh, have to go," I babbled with horrific thoughts flowing through my head. Swiftly, I turned on my heels and headed for Peter's tent. All I need to do is clear my mind. I'll slash some cool water on my face and change out of these clothes into something more comfortable or something. Wow, I'm nervous. I'm stuttering in my inner thoughts.

I went to Peter's familar hut and saw a rather large trunk in the corner of the room. I know that curiousity killed the cat, but I'm dying to know what's in it.

I shuffled across the room and opened the trunk. It was clothes. My old clothes. The ones that I used to wear back in Storybrooke. How did Peter get these? I quickly found my favorite blouse and boots. It was a coral colored, longed sleeved blouse that buttons in the front. I hugged in and remembered all of the great times Henry and I had while I was wearing this. We went to all of these festives while I was wearing this.

I quickly swapped shirts and put on black leggings. My favorite brown boots were just as I remembered. I can't believe Peter got these back for me. I noticed some more clothes that I never owned. I pulled out a materity shirt and then I realized Peter bought these clothes for me.

Two smaller trunks were placed next to mine. One was darker blue and another was a crimson pink. I opened the blue one and saw blue baby clothes. For a boy. The pink one had light pink baby clothes. For a girl. I smiled like an idiot and I wish Peter was here so I could hug him. I don't know if it is possible, but I think that I might love him even more now.

"Mel, you weren't supposed to see those," Peter whispered in my ear, slighly startling me. "You changed. I like this color on you."

"Thank you for getting these," I smiled and turned around to face him. I pulled back and wrapped him in a hug.

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ