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This chapter contains A LOT of smut

Rogers POV

That was close. They were all too close. No I hadn't cheated on John with that girl. Emphisis on that girl. The spark has been dead with no chance of relighting it since he cheated on me. But with Brian, I felt something. Who could blame me for wanting more. But I shouldn't have actually gone and done anything about it.


I wake up much earlier than usual to find Brian in the kitchen. Oh right, he leaves before all of us for work. It explains why I never see him in the mornings.

Had things been awkward since the threesome? Surprisingly not that much, well not between me and him. John was a different story.

"Morning," he smiles to me. I think Brian never smiles enough. It's a shame, it brightens his face.

"Morning," I yawn. I hadn't made the trouble to change out of the clothes I'd been sleeping in, which was just a t-shirt and boxers. Normally I would feel embarrassed to wear such little clothes in front of him, but since that night it's just been different. I feel comfortable, but yet still my heart races and I crave more.

Bri looks at a clock on the wall and walks towards me.

"Sorry I wouldn't want to be late." He says and hesitantly plants a kiss on my cheek. "Bye."

He starts off towards the door again while I'm dazed. I jump out of my state in time to grab him by the collar and kiss him properly before he makes it out the door.

"Bye." I say back, and he kisses me once more before he leaves. I could get used to this.


Drunkenly I trip and brace myself to impact with the dance floor but I am caught in someones arms. I turn expecting to see my boyfriend, but instead, Brian. Fuck, of course. I can't get him out of my head since the threesome and here he goes catching me like a princess in a fairytale. He makes me feel so many things, happy, guitly, jealous, horny, neausous. Or maybe its all the shots I took that are making me feel neausous, REALLY neausous!
"'M gonna hurl..." I mumble and Brians rushes me to the mens bathroom just in time. I heave over the toilet bowl and he holds back my hair. I finish up and cough a few times. He wipes my mouth with a peice of paper and flushes the toilet. Holding out his hand he presents to me a breathmint.

He's so kind, why'd he have to go and be so kind to me. I pop the mint in my mouth which helps with the annoying stinging taste of vomit. Why was Brian in here drunk helping me, while my sober boyfriend hadn't even checked if I was okay?

I whip my head around and press my lips against his, he doesn't pull away. Its always been Brian. I don't even know why I started dating John. He was the first guy I ever knew liked me, I just went for it. I thought Brian was straight. We break our kiss, he grins and bites his lip.

"So are you going to help me fix this?" I gesture to the bulge in my pants.

"You were the one who kissed me!" He says defensivly. I get up and sit on the toilet sassily with one leg crossed over the other.

"Well fine then leave Ill deal with it all by myself." I huff turning my head away.

"Come here you little brat." He says and I bend down to kiss him. He starts unzipping my pants before he pauses.

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