The truth will be told

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Johns POV

            No my relationship with Roger wasn't what I wanted it to be. He was gentler, but distant. He didn't look in my eyes he looked past them, like he was looking at someone else, thinking of someone else. We were still trying to come up with ways to add electricity but most were vetoed. Two possible options in debate that we hadn't yet tried were, roleplay, and a threesome, but Roger wasn't sold on either of them. On top of that I still hadnt told him the truth, and I knew I had to a some point. And why not now, at what seemed like the lowest point in our relationship. I didnt want him to suddenly dump me saying "we've just lost connection." And then spend the next month crying and wondering what it was I did wrong. I'd much rather have him break up with me because of this, if I were him I would dump me.

            "Roger we need to talk." I say solumly walking into his room. We sit on his bed and I begin to speak.

            "I wasn't entierly honest about that time Brian kissed me." Rogers eyes widened.
            "Did you sleep with him! I knew he couldnt be trusted!" He snarls trying to break through the walls, but I grab his hand.

            "No no, I just... kissed him back." The words came out like rocks scraping up my throat. Roger let go of my hand and wiped his hand on his leg.

            "Thats all though, right?" He asked, his voice trembeling.

            "He... he was also shirtless, cause of the rain!" I said "well then he also took off my shirt but I stopped him!" Rog looked down, like he knew this the whole time. I didn't doubt that he suspected it, it's probably why he's been acting so strange.

            "I want to sleep in my room tonight, alone." He states, emotionless.

            "Okay." I wimper and begin to leave the room not before pecking him on the cheek. I feel a lump in my throat, but before I close the door I have to say,

            "I love you Roger Taylor." And this time I really mean it.

A few days later

            "The threesome, I want to do the threesome." Roger says abruptly in the middle of breakfast one morning.

            "Too loud Mr taylor." Freddie weighs in eating cereal from a chair in the living room. I was sure he was going to break up with me after I told him but he hasn't. It was just that one night that he seemed upset, but I can tell its still been on his mind.

            "Im sorry what?" I whisper.

            "We talked about doing a threesome a while back and I want to do one, with Brian" I choke on my milk. Nows he's really lost it.

            "Why do you want that?" I ask.

            "There's so much sexual tension between you two its diving me mad." He explains "If we have a threesome we can fix that but I'll still be in charge. I thought that the idea was insane, but I want Brian, and this might be the only way I can have him.

            "Alright im in lets do it." He kisses me to settle the deal and we returned to our breakfasts.

Never mind this one was even shorter.

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