Mixed Emotions

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Johns POV

"John I think we should talk." Brian anouces as he walkes into the living room. Uh oh, those words never mean good things.

"So it's obvious you told roger." He sits on the sofa next to me and I abruptly stand back up. Shit, I just remembered we're home alone what if he trys something again.

"Calm down, I think it's for the best honestly. I wouldn't want you to cheat that would be wrong." He says, but I still dont sit.

"Alright, is that all you wanted I talk about?" I ask.

"No, could you talk to Roger please he's quite cross with me. I want to apoligize but he won't let me talk." He asks, a simple enough request I wouldn't want to hurt their friendship.
"Sure no problem." I say finnaly loosening my stance. But I would be lying if I said a snall part of me wanted him to tell me to break it off with roger to be with him. Some things are just meant to be only day dreams.
"Thank you." He grabs me into an unsuspecting hug. He's warm and soft, I havent hugged him since the night in the rain. I lean into the embrace, placing my head in his chest. Brian exhales loudly just as I hear,

"Hello?" Someone calls from the doorway. I push Brian back with so much force he almost toppels over. I catiously eye the doorway and am relieved to see a confused Freddie, which is much better than a furious Roger.

"What's going on?" He asks suspiciously. He knows about the kiss too, word spreads fast in your own home. I try to speak but am still too nervous.

"Nothing its fine dont worry about it." Brian steps in. He walks by Freddie and pats him on the shoulder.


"So you want to explain to me why youre sneaking around with Brian again?" Freddie asks just loud enough someone could hear him. I shush him and sit him down.
"I wasn't sneaking around with him. I was actually explaining that I couldn't anymore because of Roger. NOT that I ever DID! Then I said I would help mend his friendship with Roger and he hugged me." I explained. Fred raised an eyebrow.

"So youre telling me all friends hug like this." He said and without warning wrapled his boney arms around my torso. Pressing his face against my hair inahled deeply and let out an almost orgasmic exhale.

"Quit it get off me!" I say pushing him off. "And that is not what he did!" I huffed, he shrugs.

"Sure looked like it from where I was standing, all im saying is that feelings like that don just go away after one kiss, take at least three."

"He wouldnt just go trying to make out with me without permission he's a perfect gentleman!" I exclaimed getting defensive.

"Well thats not how Roger told the story. Said he practically asulted you." Freddie said. "Is there more to the story." He knew it! He knew I wasnt telling the entire truth.

"Fine okay there was more.." I said preparing to tell him the whole night.


Our lips met and he fixed his hands around my waist. He was such a gentle kisser, much less rough than roger. Roger likes things rough in general, I had the scratches along my back from last night to prove it. I didn't really like how intense it would get.

Brian began to pull of my wet shirt, it was difficult as it stuck to my skin. The park was abandonned cause of the time of night and the storm, and even if anyone had been there the rain was a curtain between the grass and the picnic tabels. He pushes me against a picnic table. Our lips met once again and I moan into the kiss. He starts slowly grinding against my crotch. The sound of his zipper is drowned out by the sound of the rain and our hot moans. he rubs his hands along my back. He stops and pulled away for a moment.
"John why do you have scratches all over you?" He asks, even in the pale light I can see the genuine worry on his face. Im about to answer Roger, until I remember,
Roger! My boyrfriend! Who had left the scratches on my back! I couldn't cheat on him.
"I want to go home..." I mumbled weakly. He stroked my cheek kindly and I began to cry, he didn't ask anymore questions. We put our wet clothes back on and walked back to the apartment holding hands in silence as the storm died down.


Freddies jaw hung open.

"Well I think you were going to do more than kiss!" He exclaims, but quietly as requested. I had left the part in the story about the scratches out, he didnt need to know all of the details

"I- Thats not true, and its not happening again which is all that matters." I tell him.

"If you say so darling." He aays uncovincingly. No one believed that I would stay true to Roger. And being honest I was starting to doubt myself too.

Just so you're not confused, most things in italics means that it's a flashback. Sorry I should have explained that.

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