Storm Incoming

386 16 1

Johns POV

Roger should be better today but I made him stay home just to make sure, along with Brian.

I walk out of a grocery store with a small cheap bouquet of flowers. Its not much but its meaningfull, also I had to run to the store anyways we were out of milk.

Before I left I noticed some storm clouds forming and as I leave the store theres a light drizzle. Come to think of it, it's been particularly dry lately. It actually hasn't rained since Brian and I, well you know.

Though the rain quenches the earths thirst I feel like its a bad omen of some sort.

I begin to regret forgetting an unbrella as the rain only gets heavier and harder as I continue. I look out of place amoung the pedestrains carrying umbrellas and wearing rain coats. A crash of lightning strikes and I take cover under the awning of a shop as some others have done and wait for the storm to die down to a light rain. In my hand is a ruined bouquet. Sure it wasn't the most beautiful thing, but I liked it. I throw it away in a bin along the way to home. I can't wait to get rid of my wet clothes.

Roger's on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket with Brian when I return.

"Oh! hey! deaky, Roger got scared and-" Brian tells me.

"I was not!" Roger interupts "Actually no, yes, I was afraid. Of the storm. Hi love." I grunt my hello back to him and making tracks slump back to my room to change clothing. I put on a sweater and lie down face first on my bed. Why am I so upset over a stupid bouquete.

"Whats wrong?" The blonde asks seeing me looking like a human rug.

"I got you this- nevermind its not important. I think I just want to spend more time with you but there's all these complications."

"What say we go on a walk as soon as the rain goes away, I could use to get out of the house." Roger suggests. He's being oddly sweet.

"Alright." I say back.

I always like the feeling after a storm, everything seems greener. Not this one though. I just can't place it. Roger and I walk around the neighborhood chatting until a girl running with her ponytail swishing from side to side suddenly stops in front of us.

"Roger?" She shouts "How are you." The girl goes in for a hug and I watch enviously as my boyfriend embraces her.

"Maggie its only been a couple days you act like we've spent a lifetime apart." Roger laughs. They go on like this and I zone out until he grabs her arm. I notice more clearly now they're definetly flirting. I feel my ears burn with jealousy, why is my boyfriend chatting up some little runner girl. Also why had he seen her a couple of days ago?

If this is what they're like in public what do they do when theyre alone. I come to the consiues decision my boyfriend is cheating on me. I huff loudly and tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh right sorry, Maggie Ive got to be going." He says gesturing to me.
Maggie gives him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Call me." She says and skips away. Hell no. Absoluetely hell no, he's cheating on me with a bimbo runner girl who wears ponytails and is named Maggie. I sprint in the oposite direction of maggie and away from Roger.

"Wait!" He calls and catches up with me "Whats gotten into you?" He takes deep breaths, I feel a little bad he is still a little sick. But not that bad because he's most definitely doing this girl behind my back!

"I don't want to talk to you." I walk at a faster pace, in the distance I can see our building on the horizon.

"Im sorry im sorry! What did I do!" He apoligises.

"Did you cheat on me Roger taylor!?" I shout without changing my pace or turning to look at him.

"What did, why, what?" He stammers.

"That girl back there, the way she talked to you! Why have I never seen her before, but youre close. And youve been so distant!" My locked up thoughts come exploding out all at once.

"That is not true! She and I are just friends "

"Then why have you been acting so weird!" I yell.

"I havn't been, you've been acting weird, all bottled up!"

"Because I love you!" We both come to a full halt. "We've said it to each other separately or at the wrong times. I just wanted the timing to be right where we could both say it to each other for real!" I bite my kunckles and hiccup from crying, its not too embarrassing no one is around.

"I love you too!" He yells forgetting to stop and throws himself against my body in a passionate kiss.

We peacfully stroll back to the apartment hand in hand. Roger excuses himself to go lie down, he's still sick and now I really feel bad for making him run.

I notice Brian in the kitchen making tea, he's wearing a revealing tank top and some shorts. Thats funny I didn't think it was that hot. When he turns around I see his back in marked up and down with red scratches.

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