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Johns POV

Brian doesn't seem to share the same feeling from before the threesome anymore. Actually hes downright ignoring me. Which I guess should come as a relief, not a disappointment As for Roger things haven't changed much. Hes not jealous but he's still distant.

Love isn't an easy thing, I know it takes time and effort. I love Roger I will put whatever effort I can into keeping him, afterall I came so close to losing him. All because I was so stupid, I won't make the same mistake. Never again.

            "Hey rog!" I catch him as he walks through the door. "I thought maybe we could spend the night out, have any ideas where?"

            "I dont know just a bar is fine." He suggests, im a little disappointed, though I try not to show it. I expected something more romantic.

            "Yeah that works." I force myself to smile.

            "Alright, Ill ask the boys if theyre free." The blonde turns away. He didn't know I was asking him on a date. I open my mouth to protest but,

            "Oi Brian! Youre not doing anything tonight?" He yells.


            "Youre coming to a bar with us, that goes for you too Freddie."

            "How do you know I dont have plans!" Freddie yells from the living room, im sure at any moment we'll get a noise complaint.

            "You don't, but you do now!" Roger yells back. Im sure tonight will be a fun night out with the boys at least. And maybe if I'm lucky Roger won't get shitfaced and I can spend some genuine moments alone with him.

Later that night.

I keep trying to get Roger to dance with me, his response always being, just after I finish this drink. I start to feel dumb dancing all alone for the first time ever, and go to get myself a drink. Of course now Roger decides to dance. I don't feel like getting drunk tonight. What I really wanted was to have possibly a glass of wine under the moonlight with the man I loved, and he just wanted to get wasted with his friends like any other weekend night. He doesnt exactly dance he's really waddling around like a baby giraffe. Speaking of giraffes I see Brian who seems less intoxicated but not by much.

            "Hey bri, care to dance." I present my hand.

            "I don't dance really." He says looking over my shoulder at the other man who cannot dance. Roger trips over his own shoe and Brian runs just in time to catch him.

            "'m gonna hurl..." roger groans in Brians arms.

            "Im just gonna go help him, be right back." Brian mutters whilst rushing a green Roger off to the mens room before his guts spill all over the dance floor. I aproach my last friend left who sips at his second drink of the evening.

            "Whats wrong with me? I tried to ask Roger on a date and you ending up being our chaperone." I complain. Having a heart to heart with drunk Freddie is always an interesting experience.

            "Well maybe you shouldn't have let Brian FUCK you in the ass or where ever it ended up." He says as I start to think he might be more than two drinks in.

            "Ew, Fred. Also, that's  not all! A few weeks ago he did anything to please me and hated Brians guts now I just cant pin whats the matter."
Freddie slams down his drink and looks me dead in the eyes.

            "Listen to me, listen to me listen to me." He says snapping his fingers along with his words. "I know you and Roger are in live because you have the loudest fucking sex in the whole world."
I feel like this might be just a personal jab to our sex life and not an encouragement.

            "Yeah sorry, but I feel like thats  all we do sometimes!"

           "So you think he's using you for that perky little ass." Fred slaps my ass to emphasize his words. He really needs to sober up, we're in public, people are looking.

            "Well... now that you say it. But no! He told me he loves me!"

            "Not to talk shit about your boyfriend but Roger is the biggest whore I've ever met. As if his record stands clear, you're the first man he's ever been with, so you certainly won't be the last." Fred explains. Is he saying Roger is going to cheat on me? Or just dump me to go find some two pound slut? Tears well in my eyes and Fred's face drops.

           "Oh no no no! I didn't mean it like that darling!" Freddie cries pulling me into a hug. "Look, what I mean is, it's up to you to set that boy straight. Show him he doesn't need another man because he already has the only one he'll ever need, or all the sappy crap."

            "And how am I supposed to do that?" I chuckled and sniff, still repressing my tears. I'm not about to cry in a bar in front of a bunch of strangers who are already starring.

            "Well, I do believe your boyfriend is puking in the bathroom right now and could really use a dashing young man to go take care of him. Don't let that man be the poodle."
I stand up. Freddie's right I should've been taking care of him all this time!

           "Thanks!" I say and run across the room.

with Freddie, ill be it drunken words ringing in my head I push open the door to the mens bathroom to tell my idiot shitfaced boyfriend I love him, for real this time. No one and nothing forcing me to say it.

            "Roger it got everywhere even my hair." Brian complains while splashing water on his shirt and hair.

            "Its not gross!" Roger yells back sitting on the counter and leaning on the wall.

            "Did you throw up on Brian?"
I ask. Both of them who didnt seem to notice me in the doorway jerk their heads in my direction.

            "Yes!" They both shout in unison and Brian increases his speed washing his hair and face in the sink. Roger looks exsausted and sweaty. Poor thing.

            "Come on Love lets head home. Brian will and Fred be fine if we go." I say. He nods and we leave the bar hand in hand.

Stick around, it's about to get spicy

Rain (A mess of a Queen fan fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu