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But after the old king fell into the snow he was shocked awake by the acid kiss of scorching white and silver flames raining down upon him bringing splinters of blinding light as thunder cleared the heavens and bent the curling winds off into many braided directions like a twisted hand unwrapping its fingers.

The child fell back into the snow and covered his face out of fear but soon the air was filled with the chattering of bone jewelry and silver beads and a pale white figure walked through the winter vail and before them with the silver fire raining from his fists.

As the king looked upon the figures glory he knew just what he was and accepted the judgment of the divine one known as a Gæianð, a völva birthed of both man and the goddess Ēriófýtigg herself and imbued with tears of the north star.

The child knew not what he was but he felt the beautiful man's deadly power as he saw him there naked with azure symbols dancing over his icy skin and brown locks freely sailing behind him as he stepped closer at a painfully slow pace while dripping with bone and silver.

He slowly closed his hand and withdrew his elegant fist causing the fires to cease as he then in a soft but sternly monotone smooth drawl addressed the sullen king.

"Håldr Jegnirgson! I am the Gæianð Vålo Ēriófýtiggson sent to you by my mother and the Goddess of heaven to deliver to you the verdict of your sin and to tell you of this child's sacred and holy place as the servant of the goddesses!"

The king could not say any words he was just frozen at the feet of Vålo willingly at his mercy.

"You still have yet a task to pay and that is to protect this child but after that is done you shall join your father and your mother in heaven."

Then without a moment's hesitation, the Gæianð turned on his pale heels and made his way over to the terrified boy but a white stag came out of the woods with two white horses and they all stood beside him.

The boy tries to flee but the pale man holds his face gently but strongly and pulls the boy's tongue out of his mouth and then burns it with a white ember but the burn he feels soon no longer hurts and is in fact as if it was never there but the Gæianð does the same thing once more with the boys ears and then the ember dies and turns to ash.

The boy is shaking but the pale man picks him up and speaks to him only this time he can understand the words.

"There now child! You speak with the pagan tongue!"

The boy didn't know what to say so he just listened as the pale man told him more

"The gods and goddesses have each given you a gift and these are gifts that you must use well and properly for the good of the gods and for those who will follow you!"

He reached around to one of the horses that were sent by Rihanna the goddess of horses and pulled out glowing stones of bright light.

They were all beautiful like glittering pearls of starlight fallen from the sky.

The Gæianð then hovered his hand over them until one then flew into his palm gently and he pressed it to the boy's forehead softly and it popped.

"This one is from Uðllrōwær to grant you great knowledge and prophetic dreams,"  he said and then did the same thing once more.

"And this one from Gájnrok to gift to you the loyalty of animals"

"From Bíðjrunyr the gifts of intelligence and of art"

"From Frójnyrn for nature to be your guide and protector"

"From Hérjli the gift of great beauty and grace"

"From ThrunöImnr the skill of war"

"From Élváli the gift of will and perseverance"

"From Söjrnusínn the gift of generosity and kindness"

"From Ēriófýtigg the gifts of femininity and of

of power and courage and of strength and bravery"

"And also from Löknr the gifts of both cleverness wittiness and charisma"

The horse was sent off and the pale man with the boy in his arm mounted the white stag and rode off into the wilderness leaving behind the other horse to guide the king back to his people.

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