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When the men heard the sounds of a small caravan passing around the river Siftrethörn saw a chance to find some milk and he knew what he had to do but there were two problems, the first being that he could not bring his son and the second was...how could he just leave his son all alone for who knows how long!

But as he looked down and saw his boys face blue with exhaustion and lips chap by hunger and thirst he knew that he had no other choice so he got to work.

He rubbed the walls of the ice cave with sand to make them more sturdy than he took off his fur and swaddled the boy up nice and warm like a baby chick in a nest.

And finally, in the center of the shelter, he lit a small fire with some twigs and whale lard, to help keep the boy warm for the time that he would be gone.

He kissed the boy's nose and eyes than crawled out of the cave and began sharpening his blade which earned him curious looks from his men.

His father approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder as he spoke to the golden-haired boy softly.

"Mine son what if they hath't no milk to offer what will you do then?"

"He is my child father! I will do whatever I must!"

And with that, the prince is on his way and even a few men are inspired by the blonde prince's love and passion and so choose to come with him.

The king feels his heart grow heavy for as much as he believes this child to be a lost cause he knows that his own son would never forgive him.

And perhaps that he could never forgive himself but he would rather have his son hate him for the child's death than hate himself for it.

So as nightfall came the king snuck out of his ice shelter and into the one his son had made where he then picked up the boy who was still asleep and walked into the woods with his dagger drawn… ready to do the deed.

But unbenounced to him a few of his men saw.

They had decided that the once brave and noble king Håldr was mad with grief… mad enough to put down his son's adopted baby which made them send two fast men to summon the prince back and a few more after the king in the hopes of stopping him in time.

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