so guys i drew a much better version💗

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It was only a few months ago when I couldn't even draw hands and I was too afraid to try but a sweetheart who goes by Akari_Nekomata_Nami encouraged me to try and I got better and better!

It was only a few months ago when I couldn't even draw hands and I was too afraid to try but a sweetheart who goes by Akari_Nekomata_Nami encouraged me to try and I got better and better!

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My birthday is coming soon so I wanted to wish all my wattpad friends such as

Akari_Nekomata_Nami VenusApparatus

"Nakurmiik pinnariyauyok"

Wich in my language means great thanks friend!💗

P.S. this is the song that literally inspired this while book💗

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