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“Håldr! You have betrayed me and if you were not my father I would kill you now but I shall forgive you!”

Håldr rose his head with tears falling down his cheeks.

“But I shall no longer call you my father! For you have forever lost my trust...and perhaps even my love for you as your son...I do not yet know! But I do know that I still need you in order to save that little boy and you owe him as much!” 

“I understand and I vow to be a better man for...my grandson and I’m so sorry for all that I’ve done!”

And with that an awkward atmosphere surrounded them as the pair walked side by side both sharing the same goal of finding their lost kin but not wishing to share too much space between them both and the prince not even wishing to share the same air as his father which the king understood and so he said nothing and simply looked on but every now and then he couldn’t help but give his son a glance with remorseful eyes all while far away in the frozen moor a mother wolf was trying to make her sick baby feel better all with little to no progress.

The poor thing was crying in terrified panic as he coughed painfully unable to talk only struggle to breathe but his breathes were sharp and gurgling as his chest wheezed heavily, Högga had never been so worried for any of her children before for this sickness was unlike any other she had seen so she supposed it was a human ailment but it broke her heart to see her son in so much agony.

She did all she could for him; she cleaned him and his hair she also snuggled him and nudged him sweetly with her nose almost as a human mother would give a kiss for she loved him with all her heart and did not care that he was not a wolf like her but she almost wished that he was so that she could protect and provide for him better. 

She didn’t know how to feel about sharing her baby with his human father but she loved her son and wanted what was best and she knew in her heart that all would be good and well, not to mention the fact that the humans would know better how to care for this sickness yet the long wait for them to arrive was worrisome for her and no doubt daunting for her poor son.

But as the night fell over the woodsy moor she perked up her ears as she heard the sounds of steps in the distance and she growled until wolves poked their heads in and she recognized them as her pack and some of her older children, her pack had left after the deaths of her puppies to give her some space and did not ever expect to see their queen snuggling a human puppy and she knew she had some explaining to do, to say the least, but before she could do that her pack and her grown-up children all started barking and yipping in surprise as sniffed which woke the sleeping child and made him jump back and cry into his mother’s fur.

“Nanna!”  he cried no doubt scared by the mean barking pack.

With one alpha howl she cut off the racket and then scolded them for being so inconsiderate after she just got him asleep and for being judgemental before even getting to the facts of the story, the pack, and the older children were sorry and all lowered their ears.

Then after cleaning her son’s face and licking his cheeks until it made him laugh he calmed down and she was glad that he was breathing a little better and that his appetite had returned then as he drank her milk she told her pack the whole story and at first the pack didn’t know what to say or think for a few moments but as they investigated their new little brother further and gave him a few more sniffs they also found him cute and could see what about him was so special and magical.

He was still a bit scared and shy of his new brothers and sisters so he buried himself in his mothers fur and hid behind her big bushy tail that is until she nudged him out of his hiding place while she told her older children to be nice and not crowd him too much but as the night went on he became more comfortable and his brothers and sisters played with him.

Then by the early morning hours, they all went to sleep, safe and warm as a family in their den but still just before he drifted off into dreams the boy wished that his father could be there with him as well.    

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