“Well,” Harry replied.  “Basically…it doesn’t help to bottle it all in.  How are you feeling?”

“How am I supposed to feel?” I asked.  “My girlfriend who I’ve devoted every free second of my life to just ripped my heart out.”

“Doesn’t feel good,” Niall nodded. “But, atleast she didn’t cheat on ya, mate.” He took another heaping bite from his plate.

Zayn reached across the table to pat my hand,  “Eat,” he nodded at my plate.  “Gotta keep your strength up, lad.”

I sighed, pushing my food around with my fork.  I really wasn’t hungry, I’m not sure why I even bothered ordering any food to begin with.  But, I knew that if I didn’t eat something the boys would only worry about me even more, so I took a bite of my eggs just to make them happy.

Harry looked at me through squinted eyes as he chewed his toast.  It was something he did when he was concerned and I hated it, it felt like he was trying to stare into my soul. “What?” I muttered.

“Nothing,” he shrugged. “I’m just trying to figure out a way to lift your spirits.”

“Rewind to yesterday and make Danielle not dump me?”

He shrugged. “If I could…I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

I forced a smile, knowing that he was being genuine.  “So, Niall,”

“So?” Niall raised an eyebrow as the waitress returned to refill our coffee.

“This Emily girl-“

“Don’t start,” he rolled his eyes at me as the waitress refilled his orange juice.

“Yeah,” Harry nodded with a grin. “What’s going on with that?”

“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugged.

“I was just-“

“Come on, Niall,” Zayn interupted me and shot me a wink.  “If you tell us…it’ll make Liam feel better.”

“That’s not going to work,” Niall rolled his eyes and grabbed a jelly packet from the pile infront of Harry.

“Hey!” Harry whined, covering the pile with his hand. “Don’t take the strawberry ones, they’re my favorite!”

“Come on, Niall,” I replied. “This is such a change for me.  I’m the only single guy, now.”

“Who said I wasn’t single?” Niall replied.

Harry looked to Zayn and tried not to laugh, shaking his head.  Zayn looked at the curly headed boy and started laughing along with him.

“We know she’s coming here tomorrow,”  I replied.

“What?” Niall turned to me raising an eyebrow, then looked to the other boys.  “What the fuck have you lads done!?”

“They didn’t,” Louis appeared from behind Zayn and Harry.  Zayn scooted over in the booth, letting Louis sit down.   “I did.” He smiled, handing Niall’s phone back to him.

Niall growled and took his phone from Louis’ hand.   “I thought I had left it in my room!”

“Nope, I slipped it from your pocket,” Louis chuckled.

 “You sneaky bastard!”

“Shhh..” Harry scolded. “You’re going to bring attention to us.”

“Fuck that,” Niall whisper yelled.  “I should throw you out the front door and let the fans eat you alive!”

“I didn’t do it!” Harry said in a defensive shriek. 

“So, are you going to tell us now?” Zayn asked as Niall looked through his phone to see just what it was that Louis had done exactly.

“Obviously you already know,” he growled. “Lou already forwarded all the messages to you about it.  She’s coming to see me tomorrow…gonna stay for a couple days.”

“Why would you try to keep that a secret?” Louis said teasingly. “Did you think we wouldn’t notice her?”

“Shutup, Lou.”

“Alright guys, that’s enough,” I sighed. “Let Niall keep his things private.”

“Thank you,” Niall nodded at me.  “Atleast someone knows how to respect others.”

I forced a smile and nodded back at him.  “It still made me a feel a little better,”

“I bet it-“ Niall stopped and looked up from his phone, shooting Louis’ a glare. “What the hell is this, mate!”

“What?” Harry asked.

“He text Josh!” Niall replied and handed his phone to Harry.

“Josh…I can’t hold it in any longer.  I’m in love with you.  The way you bang those drums turns me on so much. I long to feel you in-“ Harry stopped and shook his head.  Zayn had buried his head against Harry’s shoulder, laughing so hard he was clenching a handful of Harry’s shirt.

“That’s so wrong, Louis.” I shook my head.

“What?” Louis looked to me with a grin. “He’s lying.  I didn’t send that to Josh…that was already on his phone when I got it.”

“It was sent ten minutes ago!” Niall growled. “I didn’t even have my phone!”

Zayn lifted his head up, laughing so hard he was crying. “I can’t wait for Josh’s reply to come in!”

“It already has,” Harry replied, handing Niall’s phone back to him.  “Just a simple ‘w t f’.”

“I hate you,” Niall shot Louis a glare.

“But, I loooovvee you,” Louis grinned.

Niall picked up a grape from his plate and chucked it at him.  “Cunt.”

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