Not Letting Go

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^^ Software Instability

What is this rage? Why am I washed with anger, with fury, nothing but the heated thirst to rip the sheer heart from him. I watched as Y/N was torn apart by a piece of metal, reduced to a rotting corpse devoid of life. Y/N couldn't possibly be still alive, there's no way, I can't sense a pulse.

^^ Software Instability

I buried my hand into his thirium pump.


My fingers wrapped around his very essence as I tackled him to the ground, a shrieking mass of circuits filled with zealous rapture as his body leaked thirium. The wiring came loose, giving way to my freakish fingers as I pried at his rib cage.

^^ Software Instability


The receptors in my eyes began to fade, vision consumed by static as I dug Andrew's face into the dirt. This was new; I wanted him to fall apart, to be be immobile, I wanted... I wanted him to suffer and receive punishment for what he did. I don't know what possessed me in this moment to throw his chest, over and over and over again against the floor, but I did it. I don't remember this being programmed into me, but I became, as one could say, creative. I tore out his eyes, the orbs that stared into my soul with an unrelenting prejudice that began consuming me. The static began to blind me; my own chassis notified me of my body's fluctuating heat registers. 110 degrees, warning: overheating. The red of my LED pierced the darkness with beams of malice.

^^ Software Instability

Why am I burning? How could I possibly feel like I'm on fire right now? I want the light to leave his eyes, and the life to leave his worthless CORPSE.

Then, it ended. His body was no longer functioning. I scanned his biocomponents: 0% functioning, critical state, part #001154 has been compromised. A thick crust of thirium had coated my fingers, sticking them together as I tried to move my fingers; a taunting reminder of my mistakes, my guilt . In the dark, the only features I could discern was the pit that I had torn into his chest after removing his thirium pump. I believe I tossed it aside, into some corner of the room; I was embarrassed, ashamed as I cursed into the dark with my teeth pressing down on my lips. The instinctual compulsion for violence got the better of me, my actions were irrational. The darkness was suffocating, but the static began to fade as I stood up; not a single sound, a stark contrast from the last 10 minutes. Hank, Y/N, I need to check on them.

Lieutenant Anderson was the first to drop, but a slight concussion is still minor in comparison to a gunshot to the stomach . My internal scanner was fully operational again, allowing me to sift through the darkness quickly. The outline of Y/N's body was illuminated with a pool of blood. I don't know understand why a "sinking" feeling weighed down upon my mind. I felt a dip, a sharp decrease within my "heart" as I reached out to cradle Y/N's head. I was acting like a fool for not having realized that I had to stop the bleeding first. I stripped my jacket, and pressed it against Y/N's wound. A sizable blood stain discolored Y/N's shirt. From a single scan, I could see that the bullet had exited through the flesh, and into the floor. A splotch of gun powder rubbed off onto my fingers as I felt the skin around the wound.

"Y/N, please respond." I pleaded, and I begged to feel some semblance of life as I took Y/N's wrist in my hands. I needed to feel a pulse, anything to ease the pain. "Y/N, please answer if you can hear me." My thumb rested on a vein; I felt a faint beat, barely detectable with my sensors. A strong feeling of what I assumed was relief washed over me as I dialed 911. For the second time in my existence, I felt tears beginning to build up, close to cascading down my cheeks. I closed my eyes, scrunching my nose as I also sent out a distress call to all nearby officers. We need backup. Y/N mumbled something incoherent, but it was better than being completely silent. "Y/N, you'll be alright. We're going to suppress the bleeding until the paramedics arrive." I whimpered like a pathetic dog. Don't die. I can't take this.

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