The First Battle

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(Damn, 1k votes... thanks my dudes)

3rd person pov

Sitting at the bottom of the mine Y/N looked around, able to see due to the lantern although not much else. From the darkness a Grimm lept out, but slipped past a string which rubbed against it.

It was filled with Hamon, a cry of pain coming from the Grimm as it turned into ash, no longer a problem. Y/N sighed softly, Hamon disappear no longer around him as he sat on a string which went around to the two dark parts of the Mine.

Soon getting up he placed the lantern on the string so they wouldn't fall before his stand appeared beside him. It hit the wall, creating a slight indent before doing it three more times.

He placed his hands and feet in them, using Virtual Insanity he began to make bits where he could start climbing. Y/N dared not to look down as he climbed, although paused when he heard something.

Looking to where he placed his hand he slowly let go to see it was a face! It's teeth were large and gritting, glaring at the teen it soon lept at him making Y/N try and defend himself.

Y/N: Virtual Insanity!

He went to grab it, but it slipped through his Stands hands before he cried out in pain as his grip faltered. The Stand disappeared into the walls again as Y/N looked to his free hand.

It had been slashed somehow. When the Stand slipped through his hands it transformed into a razor blade for a moment and cut his palms, the teen wincing in pain as he looked around.

High Priestess: Seems like this is your first fight. Too bad i have to kill you, you're my type

Before he could do anything the wall in front of him turned into a massive face, pulling him into it's mouth he landed on what felt like a tounge before looking around for a way out.

Looking around he saw that it was a large mouth, teeth blocking his way out so he sighed softly. The ground seemed to shake which made Y/N stumble slightly while looking for an escape.

Y/N: Your user is Milder, right? Honestly, you seemed like my type too...

High Priestess: ...Really?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, really

Up on the surface the rest of team CJVY tried to think of ways to get down and help Y/N, although most failed. They didn't have a rope that was long enough, and they didn't know how to get around the mines.

On the other hand, Midler stood there as she blushed faintly, talking back to Y/N through her Stand. Velvet glanced over to her, seeing the blush but thought it was due to something else.

Velvet: You can step outside, we'll be fine... just need to find out how to get him out

The Stand user looked over to Velvet as she looked down the hole, a look of concern on the Faunas' face. Reading between the lines she gritted her teeth as inside High Priestess' mouth shook.

High Priestess: Quit lying to me!

It's tounge began to lift up so Y/N held onto it with Virtual Insanity, although it didn't work for long and he fell between High Priestess' teeth, soon being crushed between them.

The mine shaft shook due to the force of High Priestess. Coco looked around, slightly panicking, as she approached the edge to see if it was collapsing beneath them, a hidden smirk on Midler's face.

Recalling her Stand she turned around and went to leave but heard a series of gasps coming from behind her. As Midler turned she was punched roughly, making her get thrown into the wall.

Coco: Why did you do that!?

Y/N: Because she's the enemy. She made the hole for all of us to fall through, Midler wanted to kill us

Midler: H-How did you survive...?

Y/N: My stand, Virtual Insanity, it can alter anyone's perception of reality if i'm touching them. I was in your Stand's mouth, therefore touching it

Her eyes widened as she slowly turned around, seeing Y/N standing there as his Stand was beside him. However the rest of his team was confused as to what he was talking about.

Before Midler could try and back away, attempting to use High Priestess to attack Y/N had Virtual Insanity strike her in the leg, her face contorting in pain as she clutched it and the teen got closer.

Virtual Insanity: URYYAAAA!

She was accosted by a flurry of punches, being tossed out the mine with a strong final punch. Y/N stared at her as Coco made them all walk out, the teen's eyes changed colour as his Stand disappeared.

Hermit Purple appeared on his hand as he took out his new scroll, it wrapped around the scroll before he crushed it and a picture was taken. His eyes went back to normal as he looked to the broken screen.

A picture of Roman appeared making him look to Midler who was on the floor, unconscious. His expression dropped, unsure of how Roman knew he would be here, although doubted it was a coincidence.

Yatsuhashi: Would you mind explaining what just happened?

Y/N: It's complica-

He was cut off by a roar, the team looked over to the mine as an Ursa came running out. Coco swiftly turned her handbag into a minigun and mowed down the charging Grimm, it turning to ash shortly after.

Coco: As much as i'd love some answers, we still have that Grimm problem. We accepted the mission, and need to complete it


Dino: You're not a normal Grimm, are you?

Staring at the seer Grimm in front of him the blonde haired teen was on his guard. His teammates had left, leaving him with it as he reflected off the red orb, someone looking to him on the other side.

Dino: What do you want from me, Dio?

Salem: I want your help retrieving a few items that Roman Torchwick has, and to take back a person that works under me

Dino: What's in it for me?

Salem: You'll get to work for me, be part of my group, saved from what will befall Beacon

Dino:... What are the items?

Salem: A Stone Mask, and an arrow with a gold head

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for this chapter being short)

Descendant Of The Stars: RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora