Moving Up

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(Was gonna work on this sooner, but i spent 3 hours trying to farm the Hell Walker in BL3. Also, jeez, a good chunk of people dropped this book... what did i do?)

3rd person pov

Coco: Well, let's see if it worked

Yatsuhashi: They might just still not be one talking grounds

The leader ignored his comment, soon unlocking the door the the store room. She opened it only to see both Y/N and Velvet were asleep, neither of them where close to eachother.

Banging her hand on the door they woke up, Y/N groaning as he slowly sat up and looked over to see Coco. Velvet lifted her head from her pillow and rubbed her eyes, still half asleep.

Coco: You two make up?

Y/N: Yeah, yeah... what time is it?

Coco: Half an hour till the first lesson starts

His eyes widened, considering the time it took to get to the class they'd have barely anytime to change. Getting up he grabbed Velvet's wrist as she wasn't fully awake and began taking her back to their dorm.

Watching them leave Coco smiled slightly, placing her hands on her hips as she thought that her work was done here. Leaving with Yatsuhashi someone watched the reconciled friends leave, gritting their teeth.

They walked off, the person devealed to be Dino. Shaking their head they began to storm off, rubbing his neck for a moment his finger ran over the birthmark on his neck.

Dino: He thinks he can show me up, no. I'll show him who's truly the better one between us


Glynda: Welcome to combat class, as the name entitles, you'll be facing off against your fellow students in one to one combat.
Now then, do we have any volunteers for our first match up?

Dino: I volunteer. And i want to fight Y/N

Glynda: Mr. Joestar, are you okay with this?

Y/N: ...Yeah, i am

The blonde teen walked down to the centre, not bothering to grab his weapons so Y/N did the same as they met in the fighting arena. Looking to eachother Y/N took a breath and shut his eyes.

Looking to Y/N Dino clenched his fist, going to prove to himself that he was the better of the two of them. Glynda raised her hand into the hair as their auras appeared on the screen, quickly throwing her hand down.

Glynda: Begin!


A tall, muscular yellow figure appeared behind him as his aura disappeared from the screen. Suddenly, everything stopped for him as he looked to Y/N, beginning to chuckle to himself, colour fading from everything but him.

Dino: With the power of The World, i'll easily be able to take him down!

Approaching the teen he smirked, looking at him before The World realed back it's fist. Throwing it forward it was suddenly blocked by a Purple figure with flowing black hair as Y/N regained colour.

Y/N/?: Good grief. You really are his descendant

Dino: Wha-!?

Star Platinum: ORA!

It shrugged off The World's fist, slamming it's fist into the Stand's face before Dino was thrown back due also getting the backlash of his Stand being hit. Y/N's colour faded as Star Platinum did too.

Rolling across the ground Dino shakily got himself onto his hands and knees as The World disappeared, time resuming. His aura returned as it had been drained slightly, healing his wound.

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