Standing Up

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(This story's been doing really good... so, thanks)

3rd person pov

Y/N: How do i use the... "Spin"

Johnny: Visualisation

The young teen hummed, looking to the tennis ball in his hand. He inagined it spinning, like when thrown but nothing happened until he felt it move slightly making his eyes widen.

Trying it again noyhing happened, believing it was because he moved his hand and it rolled slightly. A sigh escaped Y/N before he heard footsteps behind him making the young teen look over his shoulder.

Velvet: Why were you staring at that tennis ball?

Y/N: I... was trying to make it spin

Velvet: Like this?

She took it from his hand, balancing it on one finger she spun it yet was able to keep it balanced, but Y/N shook his head making Velvet stop and grab the ball in her other hand, sitting beside him as Johnny disappeared.

Velvet: Then what were you trying to do?

Y/N: It doesn't matter. What are you doing here anyway?

Velvet: Well, it's our day off, and i wanted to see if you want to do something

Y/N: Oh. Uh, sure!

The two left campus, walking around the city it lead to and enjoying themselves. They stopped by a carnival, seeing a dunk tank with someone sitting on a ledge Y/N grabbed one of the balls.

Egging him on Y/N tossed the ball but missed, muttering to himself Y/N grabbed another, imagining it spinning. The image of when Velvet spun it popped up in his head before he threw the ball.

It hit the bullseye, making the guy fall into the water and the ball floated atop the water after falling, still spinning slightly. The two went off to another game, one where you bad to shoot targets with a bb gun.

Velvet: Do you know how to shoot?

Y/N: Uhh... no. There's a reason i use a shield, apart from defending myself

Velvet: Well, this can be a lesson for you then

Paying for it the two picked up the bb guns, Y/N looking at it and feeling the weight in his hands before turning his gaze up to the game which was just turned on, targets moving left and right.

Velvet: Rest the stock against your shoulder, grip the barrel with your non dominant hand, look down the sight and shoot where the targets are going to be

Y/N: Uhh...

Needless to say, Y/N didn't do well, only hitting 3 of the 15 targets, however Velvet got the rest of them, needing to learn how to shoot and aim due to how her semblance works.

They made their way onto a ferris wheel, waiting a few minutes before climbing in, sitting across from eachother before it began to move. It was slow, although that allowed them to appreciate the view.

Y/N: You never told me why you wanted to become a huntress

Velvet: Hmm, guess i didn't. Well, if you must know... it's because of you

Y/N: It is?

Velvet: Y-Yeah. Seeing you train so hard despite only being a kid inspired me, plus i want to take after my grandpa

Y/N: Oh, wow...

She nodded, the two looking out the windows to see the view which looked rather beautiful. Velvet smiled slightly, looking to Y/N as he gazed upon the view in wonder.

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