Betrayed The Trusting

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(If anyone wanted a theme, like Il Vento d'oro, it's the Video above... that is if the link works)

3rd person pov

Y/N: He has a stand now, but you don't know what it does?

The mute girl nodded, Y/N slowly unfurled the string from around her body which restricted her. A faint sigh came from him before his hands crackled with hamon as he approached her.

She hesitated but didn't have time to object before he hovered his hands over her wound, a glow coming from it as he attempted to heal her with Hamon, a property of it that Jonathan told hin about.

Sadly, Hamon was incapable of fixing such a wound, only speeding up her blood flow which would fasten the healing process. Y/N sighed softly and took his hands away from her leg, sitting back down.

Y/N: And your Stand's capable of rain manipulation, right?

She nodded before grabbing a shirt from Y/N's drawer and tearing the sleeve off, soon wrapping it around her leg which made the teen sigh softly before he ran a hand through his hair.

Y/N: He was already strong enough without a Stand, but now that he has one... what can i do?

Joesph: You might have to draw him out, take him by surprise

He glanced to the spectral man, not relying as if he spoke to him it would seem as if he was talking to himself, although nodded slightly in acknowledgment before Neo got up and went over to the window.

She tossed a note to Y/N ao he caught it, looking over to the mute girl he saw that she was gone and the window was open. Getting up he went over and shut the window, seeing her walk across the rain.

Looking down to the note he read it, seeing that the words "There's a spy here, working with Roman" were written on it before Y/N turned his gaze up to Joesph and held out his arm.

He nodded, grabbing Y/N's arm before he disappeared and the teen's eyes light up with a gold gleam. Shortly after he grabbed his scroll and aimed the camers at himself, placing it on his bedside table he raised his hand up.

Y/N: Hermit Purple!

His hand crackled with Hamon before purple vines with torns on them jutted out of his hand. Y/N soon slammed his hand down on the scroll which made it smash into pieces.

The camera went off, the broken pieces of glass displayed an image before Joesph left his body and they both looked to it. Y/N pushed the pieces closer together, seeing that it was someone blond with a star birthmark, like him.

Y/N: ...Dino

Joesph: He's the traitor, or at least there's a high possibility he is... but about Roman, i know what his Stand's ability is

Y/N: You do? How?

?: Because a friend fought someone with the same ability... Good grief, this won't be easy


Roman: Humour me... have you ever thought of betraying me?

Dino: Why are you asking that?

He looked over to see the Vampire who had an iron grip on the head of a Zombie, Scolippi. A swift movement crushed his head, killing the Zombie Stand user in an instant.

Roman: I've had two people betray me, that's two too many

Dino: The idea has popped up in my head, yes

Roman: Then maybe i should get rid of you before you can enact on those ideas

Slowly standing up Cream appeared behind Roman, Dino looked to him as he clenched his fists tightly. The blonde teen's eyes changed to a lighter red before he opened his hands, his nails now razor sharp and longer.

His canines became pointed as faint cracks appeared on his face, Roman smirked before jutting his hand forward as Cream went to strike, although Dino redirected it and ran forward.

Dino: Scary Monsters!

He thrust his hand down, going to slash the Vampire but Roman caught his hand, the smirk still evident on his face. This confused the blonde teen until he felt a chill go up his arm.

Looking to it he saw that he had been frozen up to his elbow, a look of shock on his face before he managed to pull free and jump back, letting it hang at his side as he gritted his teeth in pain.

A gleam came from Roman's eyes before a laser like attack shot out of them, Dino managed to dodge it but quickly turned as Cream got too close, it's mouth slamming down around his frozen arm.

He let out a pained shout, now missing half his arm as he fell to the floor and clutched it in pain. Roman began chuckling, Cream coming back to his side as he slowly walked over to the downed teen.

Roman: Cream's mouth is a dimension of darkness, anything that enters it is erased... but that's not it's only abili-

Dino: The World! Stop Time!

The blonde teen shot up, his body no longer changed by scary monsters before time froze. He got onto his feet shakily, retreating as he clutched his stump in pain, leaving the building.

Time unfroze, Roman looked around only to see a trail of blood leading outside. But much to his dismay, the sun began to rise an hour ago so there was nothing he could do, a sigh escaping him.

Roman: He can't go far like that...

The blonde teen stumbled through the streets, still holding what remained of his arm as his eyes returned to normal, a pained look on his face as he left a trail of blood along the ground.

A grunt of pain came from the blonde haired teen so he tore off his other sleeve and wrapped it around his stump as a tourniquet to help stop the bleeding, his skin going pale.

He took out his scroll, looking through his contacts he sent a message to someone which only contained his location before he sat down in an alley, soon falling unconscious.

Y/N: ...What's this?

(Lemme know what you think, also sorry for the shorter chapter)

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