It was finally the end of the day I had to walk home because billy left early great....😒 as I was walking I saw Nancy? She looked more pissed than usual I looked up and there it read 'Nancy is a whore' I'm gunna kill Steve! I followed Nance she turned down into an ally where Steve, Tommy and the whore herself Carol
(Nancy) "YOU ASS!" She began to go at Steve pushing him "how could you do something like that to me!"
She yelled Steve looked emotionless
(Steve) "how could I! that's rich coming from you Nancy I though you where the good one and Jewls was the crazy slut but I was wrong.." he said both me and Nance where about to kill Steve saw me and his smirk went to a disappointed hurt look
(Julia) "a crazy slut huh Steve...." whilst he turned his head I put all my anger into a single punch which made I'm stumble and fall back
"Nancy was smart to dump you asshole and to think I felt pity for you.... turned out your just like them..." I felt a wave of emotions flow all around me anger,sadness,joy but mostly guilt
(Nancy) "I did nothing to you Steve nothing!"
(Steve) "really huh then who were you with when you told me that you where home alone? Oh wait I know it was that freak Byers!" He looked at Nance as if she had just become a lonely wolf and he was the alpha
I looked at Nancy and allowed me to go and kick Steve's ass! As Steve began to leave I right hooked him and kicked his stomach he began to bleed on his face and bruise was forming before I could continue I was detained by police NOT AGAIN! and I regret what I did next but I kicked the office  straight the balls ;-;
And began to run but stupid me I tripped and fell so I ended up in the station greaaate 😪🙄😒 another thing to go on record.... so far my record is theft, injuring an officer and arson. But two out of three I did I never even touched the match box I was just there 😒🤭
(Hopper) "really again Julia" he sighed "can you stop abusing our officers for just a day" he said I felt annoyed that I was caught again  
(Julia) "I was sticking up for Nancy ok Hopper Steve can be a real bitch sometimes!" I yelled because I was pissed at Steve and to think I liked him... loved him....
(Hopper) "calm down Jewls ok see I get it you was just looking out for your sister but kicking an officer in the balls now that's just nasty" he said with a small laugh
-40 minutes later-
My mom finally came and collected me and boy her face was like thunder she was PiSsEd
(Julia) "heeey Mom..." I said she looked at me like she's not angry but fed up
(Mom) "jewls if you make me come down here again I will take your phone and you will be grounded for 2 months!" She said her voice was spooky ;0;
(Julia) "Mom.... your scary" ;-;
She just looked like she was about to laugh 😂
As we got home I saw robin she looked at me as o got to the door
(Robin) "Hey Julia can.. can we talk please?" She looked at me as if it was serious
(Julia) "sure robin what's wrong?"
(Robin) "Julia... I'm moving... I won't be back till next spring" she said tears in her eyes
(Julia) "your...your leaving" my eyes began to tear😰 no she can't leave me
(Robin) "I'm really sorry jewls I wish I could stay but it's only a year and hey I'll be back before you know it" as she finished that sentence we both began to cry one of my best friends was leaving
How am I supposed to cope now with her leaving she was the only one who knew about my crush and who I could talk to.... and she was basically a sister to me what am I gunna do without her...
Word count: 693
Sorry I toooook sooooo long for the new chapter but I'll be getting back on track soon don't worry anyways hope I enjoy by for now my little nuggets 😘

The other Wheeler ❤️| steve Harrington| Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora