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Me and Corbyn were walking inside of our house, after our long day.

"Corbyn, you already have so many shoes. Why buy more?"- I said, putting my bags down.
"Because I like buying shoes."

I rolled my eyes.

I walked in the kitchen and saw Zach sitting there while he scrolled down his phone.

"Hey man."- I said.
"Hey bro."- he said back.

Corbyn walked in and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

Zach walked out and now, it was just me and Corbyn.

"Hey Jo, I need to tell you something..."- Corbyn said.
"Okay... what is it?"- I asked.

He sat on the counter.

"I think I'm developing feeling for Skyler."
"Are you serious?"- I opened my mouth in shock.

He nodded.

"Are you going to tell her?"- I asked.
"I don't know bro, I don't want to be rejected, you know? Let's imagine she doesn't feel the same, that could ruin our friendship and I don't want to lose her. We're meant to be just friends, and nothing more. Beside, she got a lot stuff in her mind, in her life right now. I don't want to complicate even more her life."
"Corbyn, you need to be honest with her. Let's imagine she feels the same, and she's waiting for you to confess, she's waiting for you to take the first step. But you won't do it, because you're afraid. So, she decides to move on with her life, with her baby. She start dating this boy, and you can't do anything to get her back, and you know why? Because it's to late, and you missed your chance when you had it. So are you taking the risk and tell her how you feel, or are you just seating there and watching her moving on with her life?"
"You need to be always right, don't you?"- Corbyn frown an eyebrow.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"You're right Jo, but I need o be sure of her feelings. And when I'm sure, I'll talk to her."
"That's my man."- I smiled.

He chucked while shocking his head.


I was laying in my bed, when someone walked in.

"Didn't your parents teach you to knock on the door before you walk in in someone's room?"
"Yeah, they did. But I don't need to, since I'm your best friend."- it was Daniel.

He sat on the bed.

"Daniel, I'm not in the mood. Please, leave."- I said, coldly.
"What's wrong bubba?"- he said, calmly, while petting my hair.

I stayed in silence for a while.

"Skyler please, talk to me."
"Everything is so messed up."- I sighed- "I'm 19 and I'm pregnant. I'm going to be 20 and I'm going to be a mom. Bryce left me and his baby, because he was to coward to assume this little human being. I still didn't tell my parents and I don't know how to tell them, because I know their reaction it's not going to be good. I'm going to be a single mom, with 20 years old. My life is turned upside down and I don't know what to do Daniel."

I finally said it. I finally did let it out.

"I didn't know you felt that way Sky... why didn't you tell me this sooner?"- he lifted me up and I cuddled in his chest.
"Because. I didn't want you to worry. You are my best friend, and I love you, but I thought I could hide all of my emotions, but I couldn't anymore."- I sight- "I'm weak."
"Skyler, you are everything, but weak. You are stronger than you think. Besides, like you said before, you're going to be a mom with 20 years old. If you were weak, would you keep that baby? Would you going to have that baby inside you? No, you wouldn't. You're going to do something Bryce wasn't brave enough to do. I'm so fucking proud of you bubba. You are my best friend and I do love you the most. I'll be here to protect and help you and that little human being inside you, okay? Always."

He said, kissing the top of my head.

I hugged him really tight and cry every single tear I could.

I almost fell asleep, when someone walked inside my room.

———————— END 🌺 ————————

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