Burn Fourteen

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" Midoriya? What is he talking about? Midoriya?"

" Uh oh! Looks like you've got a lot of explaining to do, Midoriya."

" Midoriya, what did he make you watch?"

Midoriya continued to keep his silence, which only made me start jumping to conclusions. As I was making these different conclusions, I suddenly thought about what Touya did to me. Then I made another conclusion, and one that I hoped wasn't the answer.

" You figure it out yet, Todoroki?" Shigaraki asked.

I gulped and kept my gaze on Midoriya.

" Did he make you watch... that?" No response. " Please tell me, Midoriya. Did he make you watch that?"

" ... Yes..."

He was almost too quiet, if I hadn't been focused on him I might've missed what he said. I shuddered from the thought of having Midoriya watch me being so weak, and being used at that. I felt so ashamed; I let Midoriya down, I let everyone down.

" I don't think he heard you, Midoriya. Speak up!" Shigaraki yelled.

I grit my teeth when Shigaraki rose his voice at him. I stood up yet again, this time my strength coming back to me.

" Oh, and here you go Todoroki. I find it inappropriate of Dabi to have ripped your shirt, so I had Kurogiri grab your hero costume for you to change into." He tossed me the case that had my costume and I looked at him with confusion. " Don't look at me like that, villains can be nice too. However, I'm done playing nice right now. Midoriya, tell him what you saw. Now."

I went from looking at the case to looking at Midoriya once again. I watched as he hugged himself and shuddered continuously.

" ... I saw what he did to you, Dabi... I was so scared that he'd do something more than what he was doing... I couldn't take it! I had to save you from his clutches, so neither of us would be hurt... but, Todoroki... why didn't you fight him?"

" ... Why didn't I... fight him?" I thought about it and I couldn't believe myself. " Because I was scared too. I was scared that if I moved or did anything, he'd kill me, leaving you alone in the world... I don't want that for you. I want you to be happy and smile."

" But, Todoroki!"

" Don't you get it?! I want to be your hero now! You were, and are, my hero! So let me return the favor!"

With this new energy, I quickly turned to Shigaraki and made a blast using my fire. This time, it was a gentle orange and yellow. Instead of immense burning hatred, I felt passion and protectiveness. With this diversion, the doorway being blocked with my fire, I quickly put on my gear and ran to Midoriya, holding him by his shoulders.

" Let me make it up to you." I quickly placed a small kiss on his forehead and ran for everyone else in the room.

I got busy and started untying their restraints. Once everyone was freed I went up to my flames that barricaded the doorway. Using my ice, I put the fire out and saw that Shigaraki was gone. I ran out of the room and started looking for him, following the sound of his laughter. I came across a three-way split in the hallway, and just before I ran down one of the corridors, a heavy mass jumped onto my back.

" Surprise!!!" This proclamation was immediately followed by laughter.

I started to struggle, trying to wench this wretch off my back, and managed to get him off. I quickly used my fire, but he dodged my attack with ease. As I continued to fight, Midoriya had come up to us and started helping me.

" Midoriya! Get out of here now!"

" Oh? So Midoriya joined us, huh? Then let's see what happens if I do this!"

Midway through our small battle, Shigaraki had moved his nimble body over to Midoriya and landed a harsh blow to his head.

" Midoriya!!!"

I ran over to him and slid on my knees for the rest of the gap, picking him up into my arms.

" Hey, hey! Wake up! Midoriya! ... please be alright... please..."

" Well, well. Seems I've exploited your one weakness: Midoriya Izuku. This game just keeps getting more and more interesting!"

" Shut up."

" Huh?"

I took my eyes off Midoriya and glared at Shigaraki with every bit of my renewed hatred, however, I still felt that bit of passion keeping me from burning this bastard alive. I rose my left hand and showcased my flames before I spoke again.

" You've lost, Shigaraki."

" What are you talking about, you're at my mercy and you declare that you've won?"

" Take a look around you."

His eyes widened as he started to do as I instructed. Everyone of whom I freed surrounded us, ready for a fight.

" I'll let you off the hook if you get us out of here, if not then you'd better expect a fight."

It took him a bit to finally give in to my demands, as he snapped his fingers. After a second, Kurogiri appeared and spoke quietly with Shigaraki before opening a portal. I stood up, picking Midoriya up into my arms, and walked through the portal.

When I emerged from the black mass, I saw that our teachers were alright and the villains were gone. Either they beat them and the rest ran, or Shigaraki took them out of here. Either way, things were okay now.

AN: Here's chapter fourteen. I think I'll write as many chapters as I can to hopefully finish this one up too. This one might be the shortest fanfic out of all of them, but I'm not sure yet. Cuz I'm running out of ideas of conflicts they could face, cuz they've pretty much solved each one I threw at them. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

<<<To Be Continued>>>

Burning Love Can Hurt [Tododeku Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora