37. Reconciliation with an enemy

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Jimin enters the guest room with Taehyung following close behind. He has a serious look on his face, so I sit up on the bed and put my phone off to the side.

"Jungkook, you can't stay here anymore," Jimin says. 

Even though I knew this was coming I feel a bit disappointed. It's been two weeks since I asked him to let me stay here and I could tell his parents were against the idea from the start. Better start thinking about plan B.

"I see."

"It's not that I want to kick you out or anything. My grandma is coming over tomorrow and she need somewhere to stay."

"No, it's cool, Hyung. I get it."

Jimin looks over at Taehyung for some kind of moral support and Taehyung smiles like an idiot as soon as they lock eyes. Jimin blushes and quickly looks back at me. Yuck. Do they have to flirt in front of me like that all the time?

"But Jungkook, don't you think it's about time you tell your brother about what happened? You'll be able to live with him and his dad for sure. I don't get why you're so stubborn about lying to him," Jimin says.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I've explained this to them several times already.

"I'm not lying and he's not my brother anymore. The divorce was completed last week, so on paper we're basically strangers. I'm just refraining from telling him what happened because I know he'll spend more time worrying about me than doing what he's supposed to be doing."

"Yes, we know that, but don't you think he'll be even more sad and worried if he somehow finds out on his own?" Taehyung chimes in. 

Jimin nods in agreement.

"Exactly. Hasn't he been practically begging to be able to go see your supposed apartment? You'll run out of excuses eventually."

I just shrug at their arguments.

"Nah. Hopefully I'll find a real apartment soon and then I can take him there and say that Dad moved out."

Dad... I haven't seen him since the day Mom set fire to the house. He texted me a few days later saying that he arrived safely at his friend's house and asked if I was staying with Jimin. Haven't heard from him since. He must be in shock after everything that's happened. It's a lot to take in and I'll give him the space he needs. If he doesn't accept me and Jin as a couple my relationship with him would be over anyway. I'll just have to wait until he says something about it. Being with Jin is more important to me than even the only real family I have left.

Jimin and Taehyung doesn't look convinced by my plan. Eventually Jimin shakes his head and throws up his hands in defeat.

"Well, you're free to do whatever the fuck you want I guess. You can stay at Taehyung's place for a day or two until you find somewhere else. Didn't you say Hoseok needed a roommate?"

"Mmmm... actually about that... I asked him a couple days ago because I knew you'd kick me out and he said he'd just found someone and they'd signed the contract and everything."

Talk about bad timing. Had I asked him as soon as I left Jin's dad's house I'd been able to move in with Hoseok... but then again I didn't have any money to pay rent back then so that wasn't really an option. I've managed to get a part time job at a café and another one as a bartender, so I can pay rent if needed, but now I don't have a place to stay instead.

Jimin's face falls and he looks concerned.

"Oh my God, Jungkook. Where will you go?" He stops for a moment and thinks and suddenly his face brightens up a bit. "Actually, wait! I know a guy!"

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