The Wonders of Vale: 10

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'Hey!' I yelled, and launched myself in Addie's direction.

Addie had spotted him by then, too, and did her level best to take a bite out of his black, wide-brimmed hat. He jumped back, hands up in a gesture of innocence I did not at all believe.

'Sorry,' he said, with a bright, charming smile. 'I couldn't help admiring your unicorn. I've never seen such a perfect specimen.'

I narrowed my eyes, unimpressed. He hadn't just been admiring Adeline, he had most definitely been creeping up on her. And who with decent intentions called a living creature a "specimen"? 'What do you want?' I said, taking hold of Addie's silvery harness.

'Where did you get her?' said the man. Well, was he a man? He was about four feet tall, with a brownish complexion and a lean, rather haggard face. Probably not human, but whatever he might be I could not guess.

'I didn't "get" her anywhere because she isn't precisely mine,' I replied, and immediately regretted it, for his greenish eyes lit up at my final words.

'Wild? My, my! What a piece of luck for you.'

I didn't like the way he said that, nor the speculative way he looked at me.

'She's with us,' I said firmly.

Jay joined me. I couldn't have said why, but I appreciated his presence at my shoulder, especially when he drew himself up to his full height, arms folded, and stared hard at our unwelcome visitor.

It's tricky to be properly formidable when you're scarcely over five feet tall, and sporting pink hair to boot. Nice choice, Ves.

Anyway, our creepy little intruder raised his hands again and backed up a step. 'I'm just saying. That kind of luck... she'd fetch a premium price up at Vale.'

'Vale?' I said sharply. 'Do you mean the Vales of Wonder?'

He laughed. 'Nice. And this is a cute children's story, right?'

'Is it the same place?'

He shrugged. 'Probably. Are you interested or not?'

I blinked. 'Are you actually offering us some kind of partnership?'

'Why not? The price she'll fetch will split several ways, no problem.' He beamed.

Jay shifted a fraction closer, which I interpreted as a warning gesture. He needn't have worried. I could swallow my rage when I needed to. 'You offer us a partnership, having just tried to steal her?' I said.

He opened wide, wide eyes. 'Steal? Would I?'

'I strongly suspect so, given half a chance.'

'Well, take me up on my offer and I won't need to.'

I glanced at Emellana. Her appearance on the scene hadn't fazed the little creep, despite her being the best part of twice his height. She returned my look, with her odd quirk of a half-smile, and gave a tiny shrug of one shoulder.

I took that as concurrence. And if the great and mighty Em thought it a decent plan, well, okay then.

'We accept,' I said crisply. 'But if you so much as lay a finger on Adeline, I'll feed you to the dog.'

He looked in silence at pup. She'd ceased barking some minutes before, but continued to growl, showing all her tiny teeth. 'It would take her all year,' he said, ungenerously, but with some truth.

'Fine. I'll feed you to him.' I indicated Jay with a jerk of my chin.

I don't know what expression Jay was wearing just then, but it impressed our new partner rather more than the pup's minuscule rage. He subjected Jay to a long, measuring look, then nodded once and held out his hand. 'Done.' The smile came back. 'I'm Wyr.'

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