The Wonders of Vale: 3

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There was indeed a house in the driveway. With a supreme disregard for convenience or sense, Millie had parked herself almost directly in front of the great double-doors. I had to take a sharp left once I reached the steps, and circle around the familiar flint stone walls of the sturdy eighteenth-century farmhouse, before I saw Alban's enormous, so-shiny car.

It was purple today.

'My favourite colour,' I said as I approached the driver's seat.

His highness smiled up at me. 'I know.'

He, as always, was my favourite everything. Bright, intense green eyes, lively and full of approval as he looked at me. Bronze, artfully windswept hair. Loose, cream silk shirt.

I realised I was clutching the pup before me like a meat shield between me and him, and adjusted my grip. 'So,' I said lightly. 'You wanted to see me?'


At which I raised a brow, half questioning, half disapproving.

'Sorry,' he said, and reached up to stroke Goodie's soft ears. 'I'm actually playing errand boy. I've brought you some things.' He retrieved a stack of papers from the passenger seat, and handed them to me. 'That's the transcript-so-far of Torvaston's book. There's less of it than you'll want, I'm afraid. It's proving tricky to translate.'

I took it gratefully, careful not to touch his fingers. 'Thank you. I'm sure it will be useful.'

He shrugged. 'Maybe. And I've brought your new team mate. She's inside with Milady.'

So he wasn't to be our ally from Mandridore. 'Excellent,' I said brightly. 'Then we're almost ready to go.'

I waited, with the vague hope that he'd say something like allow me to escort you to your unusually house-shaped chariot, milady, and then never leave again.

Sadly, he merely nodded, and turned the key in the ignition. His beautiful car started up with a purr. 'Be careful out there, Ves. I'm pretty sure it will be dangerous.'

'Doubtless,' I said, with a failed attempt at a smile. 'But then, so am I.'

'Oh, always.' He released the handbrake.

'So you aren't coming with us?' I blurted. Great. So much for cool composure.

Alban looked up at me. 'I wanted to. Mother... said no.'

'And you have to do as you're told.'

He smiled, faintly. 'For the most part, yes. I do.'

What a dreary prospect. I didn't try again to detain him, and after a moment's hesitation, he said, 'Bye, Ves. Call me when you get back,' and drove slowly away.

I stood watching until the glorious Purplemobile was out of sight, for once appreciating pup's clumsy attempts to groom my face.

'All okay?' said Jay, from right behind me.

I jumped, and turned. 'How long have you been there?'

'About three seconds.'

I must've been lost in thought; I hadn't heard him approach. 'All okay,' I said, with my firm, professional, no-nonsense smile. 'We've got this.' I waved the papers at him. 'Transcript of His Majesty's Mysterious Book of Magick, or some of it. And our new associate's inside.'

Jay glanced at the empty driveway, down which Alban had just disappeared. 'Oh?'

'Yes, Alban isn't coming with us. I don't know who the lady is, yet; he didn't say.'

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