The Wonders of Vale: 2

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'I mean,' said Orlando, 'that this lyre possesses considerable power to bewitch, as you have experienced. But it exerts this power selectively, and I have not been able to determine why that is, or how it determines at whom to direct its glamours.'

Faerie glamour. That made more sense than it didn't. 'It had no effect on my parents, either,' I observed. 'And that's after it had chosen each of them for the throne of Ygranyllon.'

'So its interest in you is related to something else,' Orlando mused.

I shrugged. 'I haven't the least idea. Nobody else seemed to, either, among the Yllanfalen.'

'Obscurity of origin is not uncommon among ancient Great Treasures. Your mother, I understand, had some theory as to its function?'

'She's one of those who can detect traces of past magick performed in a location. She said it... amplified that ability, in some way.' Mum had been injured, drugged up and half asleep at the time, so her explanation hadn't been all that coherent. I remember the word whoosh featuring rather prominently.

'How?' said Orlando, with that intent look.

'I don't know. She was in no condition to explain.'

'I shall send an enquiry to Ygranyllon. For now, understand that its nature remains somewhat obscure and it must be handled with great care.'

'Yes, sir,' said Jay.

Orlando looked him up and down, as though sizing up whether or not he could be trusted with such a charge. I considered telling him that Jay was the most trustworthy person I'd ever known or could possibly imagine, and much more fitted to haul Great Treasures around than me, but a vote of confidence was clearly unnecessary. Orlando gave a satisfied nod. 'I do believe it to possess some influence over magickal residue,' he said, incomprehensibly.

'Magickal residue?' I echoed.

'Yes. But I am not sure it is the sort of influence that might be considered... desirable.'

'I don't understand.'

'I suspect it of absorbing magick.'


'The way you or I might absorb, for example, a fine wine.'

'So it's a tippler.'

'Well on its way to becoming an alcoholic, I would say.' Orlando's eyes crinkled at the corners again. 'I advise keeping it separate from your Wands, or any other such artefacts.'

Jay eyed the lyre with a hard look. 'I'll keep it under control.'

The crinkles deepened. 'Doubtless. Now then, I have been instructed to share one of my newest creations with you.' His eyes brightened; if I'd imagined him reclusive due to a disinclination to share his work, I'd been wrong. 'Just a moment, please, I must find it...' Orlando set off, weaving through the multiple benches with surprising grace considering his size; he'd had practice at this dance. Every workbench was liberally strewn with objects and debris, very little of which I could put any name to. He hunted through these with such single-minded focus, he did not notice Indira at his side until she lightly touched his arm.

'It's here,' she said, and handed him the indeterminate object she had quietly picked up from a trestle table on the other side of the workshop.

I suppressed a smile as Orlando straightened up, and took the thing with alacrity. 'Wonderful girl. Thank you. Now, this is an entirely new artefact! And therefore, I hope you will not be too surprised if its form or function strikes you as unusual.'

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