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I woke up next to Jungkook, I sigh. I want Y/n here, with me, I want to cuddle with her, I want to kiss her, but here I am thousands of miles away from her. I can't wait to go home, "Missing her?" asks a deep voice. I turn to look at Jungkook and nod "Well she really is something, I would miss her too" he pouts and I smack him on the back of his head "Bro, back off. She's mine" I say to him and just then Taehyung pops in. "Bro, we know she's your's, this is like the millionth time I've heard you say that on tour," he says as he walks around the bed towards Jungkook. 

I roll my eyes and ask him "Why you here so early?" he shrugs "Suga Hyung kicked me out for making 'too much noise'" he does qoution marks around "Too much". "Bruh" we both look at Jungkook who's looking at his phone, Taehyung and I peek over Jungkook's shoulder to see Y/N's picture. It was taken a couple of hours ago and she looks damn hot, she's wearing all black and her hair is well- damn-

The boys look at me and I smile "Get yourself a girl like mine." Jungkook rolls his eyes "Here we go again" he mutters under his breath. "A girl who can cook, take care of herself and her boyfriend, a girl who loves you unconditionally, a girl who's hot as fuck, but also cute as hell. A girl who can talk back and defend herself, who is strong and independent, a girl who-" I'm rudely interrupted by Suga Hyung "SHUT THE FUQ UP JIMIN, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP YOU MOTHER- WE GET THAT Y/N IS AWESOME, BUT LIKE SHUT THE HELL UP!"

I roll my eyes "Y'all are just jealous, like please" "JIMIN-" "Mianhe Hyung" I yell back before he beats the shit out of me............verbally. I get up and get ready for the day, I wear something casual for right now. A white shirt and a red bomber jacket with black jeans. I am greeted by Jin Hyung downstairs "Hey, Jimin. I made us waffles" I nod and take a seat waiting for the rest. "You miss her?" he asks and I groan, "Everyone asks me that all the time and then I start talking about her and then you tell me to shut up. I swear you can be so bipolar" I huff and Jin Hyung smiles.

"Well, once you start it's like a water faucet won't shut ya know?" I hear RM Hyung speak from behind me, he comes and takes a place next to me. "Don't take it the wrong way, Y/N is an awesome woman-" "A great woman-" Jungkook interrupts in "Nah, she's perfect?" Taehyung interrupts Jungkook "Aish!" I grumble. "Good Morning!" Jhope walks down with Suga Hyung "Finally someone normal" Suga Hyung sighs. I shrug and we all dig in talking about the new album, we're working on a new album where all of us have a solo song talking about anything we want too. I'm excited about mine, today we get to go to record new music, the past days were the concerts, today is our day off and I want to work on the lyrics.

RM Hyung gets a call and leaves the table, I mentally facepalm myself I haven't checked my phone yet, which is the first thing normal people do in the morning. I excuse myself and check my phone, I have a text message from Y/N 'Hey Chim, going to work now. You're probably sleeping, but when you see this I hope you have a good rest of the day! Can't wait to see you, I love you!' She's literally so sweet, what did I do to deserve this fluff ball. "Aww!" I jump in shock to see J-Hope Hyung behind me "You both are the cutest" he squeals "I know" I say proudly smiling. 

So that was my morning, interesting right? Anyway since it's our day off, I decide to rest a bit and work on my lyrics for my song called 'Serendipity',  I wrote it a long time ago for Y/N. There is a special reason for this song and there is a certain time I want to present it to her. But I need to make sure everything is perfect which includes the timing, I need to make sure Y/N and I are both ready for what I'm about to do.

I go upstairs, take my notebook out of my bag and start writing.

 All this is no coincidence

Just, just, by my feeling
The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy

As if we were waiting
We bloom until we ache

The destiny is jealous of us
Just like you I'm so scared
When you see me, when you touch me

"Jimin!" Taehyung opens the door "We're all going out to get Ice Cream! you coming?" he asks and I nod putting the book back in my suitcase. We all put our face masks on and get in the cars, I share my care with Jungkook, that brat. I swear to god ARMY doesn't even know how much of a pain in the ass this kid can be. I wonder how God wired his brain, cuz it doesn't function normally, I'm not just saying this out of the blue though. I'm saying this with full evidence. For example, I got in the car and this kid was wearing bunny ears with a shirt of bugs bunny that said: "I like Carrots".

Then at the Ice Cream shop, he asks the guy for a carrot flavored Ice Cream and I mentally facepalm, What's seriously wrong with this kid? After Ice Cream, we go out for pictures and just a normal stroll around the city, he finally behaved. But then after we sat in the car he took out 2 bags full of carrots and I lose it "Bruh, what's with you and carrots today?" he shrugs. All of a sudden my phone rings, it's Y/N/

I make sure my hair looks fine before hitting accept. "Hey babe~~" she greets and I wave to her "Hey baby cheeks, how are you?" I ask "I miss you" she pouts and my heart does flips "I miss you too babygirl, just 3 more days huh?" I try to sound convincing. "Who are you trying to convince Jimin? Me or yourself?" she asks laughing and I smile. She never fails to make me smile "Morely trying to convince myself. I miss you, your hugs and kisses." "Same babe, same. So how was today?" she asks "Today was a chill day, we got the day off" she nods "How about you?" I ask

"It was ok, too much paperwork nowadays, every day it's like paper after paper. But our designs are done and going to be presented on the runway in England!" "Jinja?!! That's awesome, babe!" Y/N and I always ask each other about each other's day and we have a lot of respect for each other. She's so perfect inside and out. We talk a bit more and then she hangs up because she has to go to sleep, I take a glance over at Jungkook's phone cuz he seems very focused on whatever he's doing. 


Kream: Can't wait to see you :)

Jungkook: Same due, same

Kream: Did you just call me dude?

Jungkook: .............

Kream: Even Bro sounds better than dude, dude -_-

I start laughing and Jungkook is Jungshook, "Yah! Hyung!" "Pabo, don't call girls dude! your friend-zoning her!" he humphs "Who says I want her to be anything more than friends?" "Your face says it all buddy" he bites his lip preventing a smile. 

 We finally arrive back at the hotel, have dinner and just like chill the rest of the day. We work on the choreography a little bit before J-Hope Hyung gets hungry again "I'm ordering Piza with sprite" he says and walks off "It's p-i-z-z-a, pizza" Jin Hyung yells after him "And p-a-s-t-a, pasta" "Thanks Hyung for the irrelevant-" he shuts up after looking at Jin who glares at him "Stay in your place Maknae" I laugh, these boys. I realize that I'm in this Bangtan Sonyeondan shit for life, like ARMY's say: Once you Jimin you can't Jimout. I smile at the thought and go back to thinking about Y/N.

Suddenly we get a call from Bang PD Nim. We talk for a bit when he says "You need to tour for another month, maybe less since the demand are so high. Plus there are other k-pop groups touring right now" I almost choke on my pizza "A-another m-month?!" he nods and the boys all look at me with sad eyes, I nod and excuse myself.

How am I going to tell Y/N? we had been looking forward to seeing each other. She's going to be so sad, even worse, she's going to be so disappointed. I go to bed early cuz I got a migraine from thinking too much. 'Going to sleep now babe! I love you....a lot! call me tm? got smthng 2 share. Love, Chim~'

I close the phone and shut my eyes, letting sleep take over my tired body and aching heart. 


So, here you go guys! A chapter all from Jimin's POV. I don't think this was so good, but I tried my best, yup......that's all. Also, I might not update so soon, but I'll try, promise! Sarnghae~~~

Just Best Friends (Park Jimin FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن