chapter 11

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The street on New York was quiet, the 3am middle of the night calm finally allowing the city to rest. The city that never slept certainly was more prone to naps during the late hours of the night on a Wednesday, and it just so happened that on this particular Wednesday, the residents were all sleeping soundly in their homes.

All but three.

The soft taps of fingers gliding across a piano drifted inside one of the apartments, two cats lazily mewling periodically at being woken by the inner musical musings of the starlet. Her fingers danced across the keys as if they were performing in their own ballet production that only they would ever attend, a secretively blissful tune that brought a peaceful hue to the building.

Meredith Grey - the cat, not the TV surgeon - proceeded to interrupt this moment of serenity and creativity by knocking over the starlet's open notebook, her hand writing splashed across the page in various chicken scratches of lyrics that she would never sing out loud.

Taylor Swift sighed as she crouched down, a soft smile on her face at the chaotic antics of her cats even when they were annoyed at her keeping them awake. Her finger trailed slightly over the newest lyrics that she had written on the page, her mind spinning five hundred miles per minute as she also reached out to stop the phone recording she had began once the inspiration had struck.

Sighing as she hummed the tune back to herself, the girl looked at the lyrics before looking over to where Olivia Benson was peeking out at her from the rug next to the grand piano. The cat did not show any emotion as it seemingly stared into Taylor's soul, looking at the woman that would lay down her life for it.

"What do you think, Olivia?" Taylor mused as she rose from the bench, scooping the cat up from the floor as she followed where Meredith had scurried off to after knocking over her songwriting book. "Does 'ocean blue eyes' work better than 'crystal blue eyes'?"

Taylor didn't expect the cat to even acknowledge that she had said anything. Her cats usually never really cared much for what she had to say or do, and maybe that was why she loved them so much. They were the only people in her life who gave her the time to think alone that she always craved.

A soft mewl from the cats mouth almost caused her to pause in surprise. Meredith was looking up at Taylor from where she was resting in the blonde's arms, her head titled slightly as she almost seemed to reply to Taylor's previous question.

"You're right. Ocean blue eyes works much better."

As Taylor got back into her bed that night, she continued her dreams of the ocean blue eyes that had woken her in the first place and brought her inspiration to life. What she originally had thought were the blue eyes of her current boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston, were quickly warped into what she would describe as "true" ocean eyes.

She hadn't quite realised yet that they belonged to her best friend, Leia Hudson.


Georgie Hudson wasn't sure what to do.

For weeks the girl had been trying to hold a conversation with her sister on the phone for more than three minutes so that she finally had the chance to talk to her. And for weeks, Leia Hudson had been downplaying their calls or flat out ignoring her teenage sister.

And during those weeks, Georgie Hudson was well aware of the increasing paparazzi photos and social media posts of various A listers on nights out or lunch dates with her older sister - A-listers that her sister barely knew. She had reached out to Leia's friends before Taylor's 4th of July party, having had the chance to tell them that she was growing worried with the up and rising star's sudden change of friendships and recreational activities - especially if the rumours surrounding the people she was hanging out with the were true.

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