chapter 21

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The sunlight filtering through the windows had bathed Taylor's apartment in a warm glow as Leia navigated past plush pillows and framed gold records on the walls. Her fingers rested lightly on one of the Grammy trophies that adored the fireplace, a soft smile on her face as she heard Taylor cluttering about in the kitchen.

Meredith mewed from the sofa as Leia turned to look at the cat, her lips twitching in amusement as she walked towards the animal and lightly scratched behind her ears. She nuzzled against her hand for a moment, purring gently, before Leia sat down and reached down to untie her shoelaces.

A soft huff from behind her informed her that Taylor had finished up in the kitchen, and a quick glance over her shoulder confirmed that as the blonde moved into the living space. In her hands, she balanced two steaming cups, the scent of chocolate and espresso mingling in the air. She extended one to Leia, whose face brightened at the gesture, a smile breaking like dawn over her features.

"Here, for that sweet tooth I know you've got," Taylor said, her voice the melody of practiced charm as she handed over the hot chocolate.

"Thanks," Leia replied, wrapping her fingers around the warmth of the mug, chuckling to herself as she noticed the overload of sprinkles that Taylor had dazzled into the whipped cream mountain that rested atop the drink.

Taylor settled at the other end of the sofa, the cushions embracing her slender frame. With a grace born of countless choreographed performances, she placed her own latte on the coffee table while reaching out with her opposite hand and plucking Meredith from the cushions to rest against her chest. Meredith mewed contentedly, allowing Taylor's fingers to find the softness of her fur with a comfort worn into the grooves of her palms.

"Speaking of sweetness," Taylor began, her gaze still tenderly fixed on Meredith before drifting up to meet Leia's eyes, "how did your outfit fitting go with Gigi?"

Leia's laughter tinkled through the room, the sound light and airy, but carrying an undertone of nerves.

"I swear, she treated me like her personal Barbie doll. But, I guess if that's what it takes not to stick out like a sore thumb at her fashion show, I'm all in."

"Better Gigi's doll than the media's puppet," Taylor quipped, a knowing glint in her eye. Leia couldn't agree more - she knew that if she'd turned up to the show looking awful then she was just offering herself up to the media and humiliation. 

"True," Leia conceded, a playful roll of her eyes accompanying her words. "And honestly, if it means looking half as stunning as everyone else on that runway, I'll gladly play dress-up."

"That's good," Taylor said with a gentle nod, her lips tilting into an understanding smile. The room settled into a comfortable silence, the kind that drapes over you like a warm blanket on a chilly evening. It was broken only by the soft crackle of the fireplace and the contented purrs of Meredith nestled in Taylor's arms.

Suddenly, Olivia leapt gracefully onto the sofa, inserting herself between the two women with the air of royalty gracing mere commoners with her presence. She rubbed her silky coat against Leia's legs, marking her territory with an affectionate nudge.

"Hey there, Olivia," Leia cooed, reaching down to scoop up the unpredictable ball of fur.

Olivia squirmed in Leia's arms, a playful twinkle in her eyes as she purred loudly, clearly revelling in the attention. A chuckle escaped Leia as she cradled Olivia, reveling in the fluffy warmth and delicate weight of the cat in her arms.

But with her constantly changing opinions of the girl, Olivia decided human contact was no longer welcome. In a flash, she lashed out, her claws raking across Leia's arm, leaving thin red welts in their wake.

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