6: Food Shopping And The Race Against The Storm

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On our way we stopped for breakfast at a bakery that was part of the small collection of shops that serviced the small suburb. After having some amazing food we all hopped back in the car and drove out towards the next town. There was only one road leading out of ours because it was a small beach suburb but it was like a small highway, a long, flat, straight road with bush on either side. The only difference being that it was pretty much deserted but that made for a nice and quick easy drive. 

After less than 10 minutes we were approached the turn off for the shopping complex, made evident by the large sign with many of the shops brands or logos on it. Zoe squeaked excitedly from her spot next to me, ‘ooh wow there’s so many shops, some look like the same as the UK but there’s also some that I don’t recognise’. She craned her neck to see them as we drove past it, ‘Zoe’, Joe said from the other side of her, ‘we’re not here to go shopping, remember?’ She just rolled her eyes at him in return.

After parking we all clambered out of the car and looked excitedly at the shopping center. It wasn’t the shopping center that was exciting (even though it held shops that sold food) it was everything around it. Right next to the spot that they had cleared to build the center was all bush and with its gum trees and native plants it just looked so Australian but also showed how isolated we actually were being so far away from any major cities.

Troye seemed completed disinterested in it however and started walked towards the shops without glancing up. We quickly followed because even though we wouldn’t have gotten lost Troye had seemingly become our leader outside the house, as he was really the only one who was actually used to these kinds of places, being the Australian he was.

Once we were inside we walked past an array of different shops until we reached one call ‘Coles’, Troye insisting that this would be the best place to get everything we needed. Zoe took charge again saying, ‘so we should grab a few trolleys, start at one end of the shop and just work our way through because there quite a few things we’re going to need’.

Most of us boys grabbed a trolley and we all headed to the first isle. It was a slow process to get everything we needed but it was fairly interesting because with each new section we learnt something about each other. We learnt that Alfie can’t even cook pasta without it going wrong and that Louise was actually likely to be the best cook out of all of us as she was used to cooking more than just oven food.

We also learnt what kinds of foods each other liked which turned out to be pretty interesting. As we turned into in the isle that held the spreads Troye let out a screech and did a weird half walk/jog over to where the had stacked the Nutella. He grabbed two jars and turned around with an excited smile on his face, ‘Zoe we have to get Nutella or I’ll starve to death!’ he exclaimed dramatically. She laughed, ‘Troye we are getting other foods so I'm sure you wont starve but we can get it if you really want. Is it your favourite food or something?’ she questioned. Troye gasped, ‘its more than just a food, it’s a way of life!’ he said acting offended as we all laughed.

We made our way to the deli section trying to decide what kinds of meat we should get, what kind of meals they would make etc. ‘Let get some ham or something’, I said just trying to help them reach some sort of decision as Zoe and Marcus were arguing about the organic aspects of various produce items. 

‘No’, said a voice behind me suddenly. We all turned to see who had spoken to see Louise shaking her head and looking like she could be sick. ‘I don’t do ham, I can’t stand it, everything about it makes me feel ill, if you want that you’re going to have to keep it in a different part of the house’. We were a little shocked at her slightly over the top outburst but once she explained why we agreed that we probably didn’t really need ham.

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