5: This Is Going To Be Pretty Cool

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Alfie’s POV

I had barely spoken two words to anyone so far but considering how terrible this situation was supposed to be the fact that we were actually going to be talking and getting along made me happy. Besides we were going to get pizza thanks to the boy named Troye but what had my attention was the girl named Zoe who was literally the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. She was so petite and her story made her seem even more fragile but I had a feeling she could hold her own if she wanted too. Regardless of this she was pretty much perfect and I was trying to time the moment where I would have the courage to speak to her without making a fool of myself.

‘So’, Tyler said as he looked at one of the pieces of paper from the envelope on the counter. ‘There’s a floor plan of the house that shows the bedrooms and how many can sleep per room. So there are 9 of us and there are only 7 bedrooms so some people will have to share, there’s one room with bunk beds and the other has two queen beds from the looks of it, so it’s a slightly bigger room. Both those rooms have their own ensuite though so you wont have to share the large upstairs bathroom with the others. There’s also what I think is a bathroom/laundry downstairs somewhere,’ he squinted at the floor plan and then looked up at us, ‘maybe’.

‘Ok well I’m not a fan of sharing a bathroom with a whole bunch of people so I would rather share just with one person’, said Zoe, ‘nothing personal against you guys just my preference’. The girl with the blond hair spoke up seemingly nervous about what she was going to say, ‘um...well I’ll share with you I guess, since were both girls...but only if you want me to, I don’t want to impose’. ‘No that’s cool I guess, ok so we’ll take the queen beds because neither one of us probably wants to do the whole bunk beds thing so which two of you boys don’t mind sharing a room’, Zoe said decisively turning to look at us boys.

I didn’t say anything, not because I didn’t want to share but because I wasn’t sure anyone would want to share with me. ‘I’ll share with someone’, said one of the boys, whose name I believed was Caspar, said stepping forward, ‘I’m pretty easy to get along with’. ‘I don’t mind sharing either’, said another boy almost at the same time as Caspar. ‘Well great looks like you two are sharing then’, said Zoe smiling.

We all headed up the stairs to investigate what it was like and I was pretty impressed at how nice the house was. The floors were tiles and carpet depending on what room it was and while the rooms were not huge they made the most of the space they had. All the wardrobes appeared to be built in so combined with all the walls being painted white they looked big at first glance.

I let the others choose their rooms first as I wasn’t all that fussed as to which one I got. Eventually I reached the end of the hall and there were two bedrooms left across from each other. I noticed that the door to one was already open and Zoe and the blonde girl were already in there so I turned to the last bedroom and opened the door. It was plain like the others with a single bed and small bedside table but like the rest of the house it was still nice and perfect for me. I put my bags down and began to take my stuff out and put it away while looking out the small window that provided a fair amount of light for the room.

After about 20 minutes of unpacking I heard Troye from somewhere downstairs. ‘Guys’, he yelled, ‘pizza’s here’. ‘Ahh yes!’ I heard Caspar yell as he bolted out of his and Marcus’s shared room and ran down the stairs. The rest of us followed him eagerly, but choosing to walk down the stairs rather that break an ankle.

‘So’, Tyler said as we tucked into our pizza (which was freaking amazing by the way), ‘who’s next?’ I decided I would speak because none of the others looked particularly keen to speak and to be honest my story was pretty average compared to what I’d heard from the others.

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