Chapter 1. Cold Night

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It was cold and the only thing that could be heard were your heavy breaths echoing through the dark night as you felt hopeless and scared.
It would have been a good day, if it didn't end like this.
This was a nightmare and you couldn't believe what you just saw.

In that faithful night, you were woken up by the sound of someone walking on the wooden floor of your home.
The floorboards creaked and you instantly knew it wasn't someone that lived in the house.
There was a stranger, an intruder.

You got scared, and tried to get up as silently as possible.
Back then you were too innocent to realize that the intruder was up to no good, it was an assasin  and in a matter of seconds he killed everyone in the house.

Everyone, expect you.

You didnt know what would be waiting for you in the bedroom of your parents, you wanted to tell them what you had heard...but it was already too late.

You stepped into the cold and quiet room, not expecting what was next.
Shock filled every inch of your body as your legs began to tremble.
You were more than shocked at the sight of your parents, lying in their bed, their bodies lifeless and the sheets covered in blood.

The only thing that was on your mind now, was to run, so you ran.
You ran as fast as you could, searching for someone, someone that was still alive.
But there was no one, you were alone now you were all by yourself.

Running, not knowing where to go, you just bursted through the big gates, running into the city hoping it would be at least a little safer there.

You belonged to a Japanese clan, well there was nothing left of said clan now, you were the only one that survived.

Where should you go now?
Fearing to die you decided to hide in one of the big parks in your hometown.
Hiding under one of the cherry blossom trees, not knowing what to do next.
It was in this moment, when you realized what had really happened.  Sadness consumed you, and you started to cry.
Tears streamed down your face while your whole body was trembling.
The sight of your dead parents made its way back into your head and you held onto your knees, sitting under the big tree, while feeling so incredibly alone, helpless and useless.

You were consumed by the dark night, until you saw something flickering blue in the dark.
It was not far away from you and seemed to be coming right towards you.
You were too sad to care, and just kept on crying not trying to run away from the thing that was coming towards you.
To not run away might have been the smartest decision of your whole life.

The thing that came towards you was neither human nor animal.
Something strong, stronger than any weapon ever created my mankind.
It was something unnatural,
as old as time and immortal.

It was a demon.

You looked up to see the glowing blue (f/a) in front of you.
"Please do not be frightened by me, 
I am not here to harm you."
The demon spoke to you in a calm voice.
Mesmerized by the soft glow the animal was giving off you were unable to speak.
You stopped crying and just looked at the demon, amazed by its beauty.
"What are you?"
You asked after gathering all the courage you had.

"You seem to have noticed that I am not from this earth. Well (Y/N), I am a demon. I have watched you for a while now and I am deeply sorry for what happened to you!"
He said in a soft voice that sounded male.

"What?! Why is a demon here? What do you want from me? Why were you watching me!!"
You asked full of confusion.

"Because Im searching for a new companion, and thought you would be a good pick."
He said while coming closer to you, sitting right beside you, changing his form to the one of a racoon.
You looked at him in shock.

"Compamion? Did you just change into a different animal? What is going on?!"

"Let me explainall of this (Y/N). But first promise me to consider the offer I will make. At least think about it." The demon said looking up to you.


"I am Kumo, a demon that was sent from hell thousands of years ago to find a companion that I can help fighting. My last companion died a few days ago, and now I need a new one. I have had thousands of companions before and helped them conquer countries, get revenge or lead a whole nation. A few hundred years ago I made the decision to search for a person that is suffering and help them have a better life."
He introduced himself.

"But why me?"
You asked confused at why you would be worthy of fighting at the side of a demon.

"I saw you suffering as your parents died, and I know that you will suffer even more, more than you could ever imagine. I want to help you. (Y/N) please let me fight by your side!"
He begged.

"Uuuuhm...what would it be like to be your companion? Are you going to steal my soul after I die?"
You asked unsure of what to expect.

"No I wont steal your soul!" He said laughing. "I will fight by your side, getting stronger as your anger grows. The more anger and hate you have inside yourself the stronger I get.
If you call for me in battle I will summon the flames of hell and burn all of your, no all of our enemies. I will live from the souls of our enemies. So....what do you think?"

"Ok! Help me get revenge for my parents!"
You said shaking the little hand of the demon that was still in his racoon form.

"You might be my new favourite companion..."
he said silently, so you wouldn't hear it.

"Oh I should have mentioned one thing...our souls are now connected." He said hesitantly.

"What does that mean Kumo?"
You asked, worry in your voice.

"Uhhh...just that we can talk over telepathy and that I can read your mind if I want to...but do not worry I will leave you your privacy!"
Kumo said to you.

"So...what should we do now? Theres no one left I could go to..."
you said full of sadness remembering the horrors of the night once again.

"Think again closely, is there really no one?"
He asked.

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