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I heard my phone vibrating on the nightstand, but I was to comfortable to answer it. Then it stopped

Thank you I thought

as I snuggled into the warm embrace. I hadn't noticed it until now, I was laying on my back and Zak had his right arm around me.

I met him only a week ago and I feel safe in his arms...Is this normal to fall for somebody so fast I thought confused

I closed my eyes and as soon as I did he turned so he was laying on his back and the hand that was holding me was now across his stomach and his left arm was still under his head. I then heard the house alarm beep, saying someone just entered the house

Oops, I guess I forgot to set the alarm I thought

Zak shifted again and I looked over towards him and his eyes were open

"Morning" I said softly

"Morning" he said running his left hand through his messed up hair

Can he get any hotter? I thought

then I heard the stair step creek

"How'd you sleep?" I asked him

"I slept good...What about you?" he asked turning to face my with his head propped up by his left hand

"I slept good" I said smiling

I didn't realize it, but he was leaning closer and closer to my face and my eyes were slowly closing, getting ready for the kiss.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

Zak moved away as soon as the door flung open and Abby came in running and jumped on the bed.

"Hello baby girl, did you have fun at Jessie's house?" I said smiling


she then went to Zak and sat ontop of him. I gave him a 'sorry' look and he just smiled and shook his head


"Hmm?" he said turning his head towards her since he couldn't move or she would've fallen off of him

"What's that?" she asked and poked the back of his neck

"It's a tattoo I got"


"It's paint that never ever comes off" I said

"Oh..." she said to me and looked back at Zak

"Can I see?"

"It's scary and I don't want to scare you"

"But I'm a big girl" she said puffing out her chest

I laughed and got out of bed. Zak chuckled

"I know you are but you have to be really big to see the tattoo"

"How big?"

"As big as mommy" he said

"Alright Abby go downstairs, we'll be there here in a second"

"Ok" she said and got off of Zak and headed downstairs

"I'm so sorry"

"It's fine Kayla" he said getting up

we then went down the stairs. He went to the bathroom and I went into the kitchen

"Hey Kayla"

"Hey Jess" I said as I made my way into the kitchen to make some coffee as Jessica followed

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