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I woke up to my phone ringing, I rolled over to my left and answered it

"Hello?" I asked tiredly

"Hey sweetie, I'm at the front door"

I looked over at my alarm clock '10:37am'. I shot up quickly

I can't believe I slept that long I thought

"I'll be down in a second" I said and hung up.

I changed quickly and went to the front door.

"I'm so sorry guys" I said when I opened the door and saw Zak, Nick, Aaron, and Billy

"It's alright, what room is ready?" Nick asked

"You can start here and then the kitchen...I'm going to go get Abby up and start acking her room" I said quickly and went back up the stairs.

I went into her room and shook her lightly

"It's time to get up baby girl" I said sweetly

She opened her eyes slowly and yawned


"Yes sweetie?"

"What's that noise downstairs?"

"Nick, Aaron, Billy, and daddy are down there helping us move"

"Move to where?"

"We're moving in with daddy"

If she wasn't wake then, she sure was awake now. She jumped out of bed and I helped her get ready. As soon as she got her clothes on she ran down the stairs to greet the guys. I laughed at her and started packng her room.

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I didn't think she had so much stuff I thought as I packed the last princess thing she had

"This room ready now?"

I looked over at the door and there stood Zak

"Yeah, just packed the last thing. I didn't realize she had so much Barbies and princesses" I said sighing

Zak came to me and kissed me

"Did you get everything done lastnight?" I asked

"Yeah, and it's repainted like I said it would be" he said with a twitch of his eyebrow

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't think I've had so much pink in m-, our house before"

Our house? Does he really mean that? I thought

"Do you really mean that?"

"Mean what? The pink or that it's our house now?"

I giggled

"I guess both?"

"I'm serious about all the pink...And I'm dead serious that my house is now ours" He said motioning between me and him

My eyes started burning with happy tears

"What's wrong?" Zak asked with concern while hugging me

"Nothing, I'm just happy, that's all"

He kissed the top of my head and then let me go. Aaron then appeared infront of Abby's room

"Is Abby's room ready?"

"Yeah, you guys can get started...I've got to pack my room and then we'll be done"

"I'll help" Zak said

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