I headed to the kitchen and he came inside

He brought me my favorite flowers...Wait, how'd he know? I never told him I thought filling up a vase and put the flowers in it

"Zak, can I ask you something?" I asked walking into my livingroom


"How'd you know daises were my favorite flower? Most guys would've brought roses"

"Let's just say I had a feeling" he said smiling

"You talked to my dad didn't you? He's the only one that knows"


"What else did he tell you?"

"Nothing, and by the way you have a nice house"

"Well thank you"

"It seems to quiet in here though, where's Abby?"

I smiled and said

"She's with one of my friends that's a black belt in karate, so she's safe"

"One of your friends is a black belt?" Zak asked amazed while we walked to the door

"Yeah, she's been in it since she was 5"

we then headed to his car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman and then got in on the drivers side and started pulling out of the driveway to the duplex

"What's your favorite food?"

"I like alot of foods, but if I had to pick it would be Mexican food"

"I like that too"

"Where are we going exactly?"

"I was thinking we try this new place that opened up, it's called Grand Wok and Sushi Bar"

"I'm always up for trying new food" I said smiling

About 10 minutes later we arrived on the strip and found Grand Wok and Sushi Bar. We got out and went inside, this place looked amazing. One big chandiler once you entered the building, above each table were 3 small lights that hung low with dark blue glass covers, the walls were a medium blue, and the was a bar that you could sit at and watch your food get cooked.

"Reservation for Bagans" I heard him say

"Right this way"

The host led us to the sushi bar

"Thank you" Zak said

The host left and we sat down

"How'd you get into ghost hunting? If you don't mind me asking"

"I had an experience in my apartment that I was living in at the time, and that's when I realized I should be hunting ghosts, so how'd you get into meterology?"

"What can I get you two to drink?" the guy asked from behind the bar

"Could we get some red wine?" Zak asked and looked at me

I just nodded

"Alright" the waiter left to get it

"I've been interested in weather since I was 6, so that's why I went to college for 5 years"

"5 years?"

"Yeah, it was the longest 5 years of my life, but it was worth it"

then the waiter came back with our red wine and handed it to us

"Would you like to taste test some sushi? It's free"

"Sure" we said at the same time

the waiter put 18 different types of sushi out. I was about to get one until Zak said something

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