"Well if it isn't Miss Abby" George said with a southern twang smiling

"George" she said smiling and hugging my early 50s year old, graying, and a little overweight boss

"Hey Kayla, how are you today?"

"I'm good, how 'bout you George?"

"I'm good"

"George?" Abby asked


"Can I have a strawberry sucker?"

"I'll go see if I have one, but I think you ate em' all"

"George you got a weird sound" Abby said

"Well, I'm from a Alabama, that's why I sound like this"


"Alright, I'll see if I have a sucker for you"


he then walked off and me and Abby went to the weather center so I could prepare the information and the slides. Abby sat in her normal spot and started coloring. George came back and gave her a strawberry sucker and I went to the greenscreen.

"Good afternoon I'm Kayla Summers and I hope everybody's having a good day today. Let's take a look back at what happened last night...As you can see this was a fairly strong storm, some people sent us some photos of some of their tree limbs being knocked down... and this one from Thomas P. from Las Vegas shows you how big the hail was...So you can see that it was a pretty nasty storm...Today looks like it's going to be a nice bright and mild day with temperatures around 72, not bad for October weather, tonight is suppose to be in the lower 60s...And some of you are probably wondering why? Well if you look at this, we've got a 30% chance of some snow in the next few days, and tomorrow's highwill be around 74 and then we see the tempuratures fall into the lower 60s to the mid 50s...so if it snows, it will NOT accumulate, so don't anic if you see a few flakes...Back to you Scott"

As soon as I got the clear I went back to my desk

"What does atumalate mean?" Abby asked

"Accumulate mean that the snow falls on the ground and doesn't go away"

"So the snow's not going to stay?"

"Not right now"

She then made a pouty face

"Why not?"

"Because the snow doesn't want to stay yet"

"Why? It doesn't like it here?"

"Sweetie, you'll understand it when you get older, I can't explain it right now"

"I hope I'm not inturrupting anything"

I looked up and at the front weather desk

"Oh, hi Zak, how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm doing good"

"That's good, I was wondering if you would come by my office later so you can see what we captured"

"Um sure, I'll be done here in 30 minutes, you can right down the address and I'll be therer as soon as I can"

"Can I go?" Abby asked

I looked at her and then to Zak

"I don't have a problem if she comes" Zak replied

I then looked back at Abby and she was doing that puppy dog face

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