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Bailey sat on the front porch of the Atkins household, watching the still streets. She could hear the baseball game playing inside, Harris' occasional shout or cheer sounding every so often. Her brows furrowed when Zach pulled up, his horn sounding twice before he got out. She stood easier then she had been, walking over to stand by the railing as he walked up the driveway.

'Hey,' She called.

'Hey,' He replied.

'What's up?'

'Nothing, just wanted to see you.'

'You look like you're about to scream.'

He sighed, falling into the seat she'd once been sitting in; running his hand through his hair.

'There was a meeting after the dance... At Monet's. About Tyler,' He rubbed his hands together.

'When I was out of it,' She sat down beside him.


Bailey slowly sat down in the conjoining seat, looking toward him.

'You're guilty?' She suggested.

'I should've told you,' He shook his head.

'Hey, it's ok. Don't worry about it. It was the last thing I wanted to hear.'

'You sure?'

'Yes, Zee.'

She chuckled, shaking her head as she patted his knee.

'What was the meeting about?' She asked quietly.

'They're taking watch over Tyler, one at a time,' He looked down the street.

'They? What about you?'

'I... I can't. Not after what he did to you... He deserves to be in jail, Bay.'

'He needs help, Zee. Jail will only make him worse.'

He scoffed, 'He shot you and you're defending him.'

'I made him shoot me... What he did was fucked, but he only shot me because I forced him.'

'And if you hadn't, he would've shot up the school.'

'No, Clay would've stopped him.'

'How can you forgive him?'

'Because his inner demons are worse then mine. Except he can't stand up to fight his own, he can't push them away, so they rule him.'

'So, he needs help.'

'Zach... I'll talk to him, get him to talk to Dr Singh.'

He sent her a pointed look which she cocked a brow at, Zach letting out a sigh.

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