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Bailey hadn't seen Justin since she'd woken up, that had been a few days ago now. And she wasn't sure if she wanted to. He'd saved her after hurting her, and it confused the fuck out of her. Tony hadn't left her side, taking her home to Harris and Jenny where she struggled to recover. She rarely left her room, sleeping most of the day and up most of the night; which were usually filled with deep conversations to herself. She hated dumping everything on Tony when she knew he was struggling himself, continuing to let him talk to her when he needed. Because no matter how she felt, she would never stop being there for any of them.

'How're you feeling?' Jenny asked as she walked into the room with a tray of food.

'Better,' She smiled softly.

'Any more nightmares?'


Truth was, she hadn't ever had any nightmares about the night. She just used the lie to explain the dark bags under her eyes and fatigue in her shoulders from the sleepless nights staring up at the ceiling.

'You been walking around?' The woman asked after placing a kiss to her head.

'Can you adopt me already?' She sighed.

Jenny laughed, 'Baby, we would if we could.'

'Drew,' Harris leant in the doorway; 'Maria and Taylor are here.'

She closed her eyes, slowly peeling the covers from her legs. That was a recent development, the near daily check ins by her parents. Jenny helped her stand, kissing her head once more before watching her limp toward the door. She smiled at Harris as she passed by him, the Atkins sharing a look behind her back.

'Hi,' Bailey leant against the wall at the end of the hallway.

Maria stood, 'How are you?'


'Anne wanted me to bring you these.'


'Bay,' Taylor sighed.

'What do you want?'

'We just wanted to see how you're doing.'

'I'm fine. So, if that's all.'

She moved to turn away when her father spoke up, 'Bailey, please.'

'Why now?' She asked; 'Why do you suddenly care now?'

'Because we almost lost you,' Maria said softly.

'You lost me the day you left. You're not my parents, you're merely donors for all I care.'

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