Chapter 1:Military Camp

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The small boy sat in his cell waiting for something to happen. He didn't know much of what was happening except hearing the news of his father's death and being separated from his mother. Other than that he only remembered loud noises and screams.

Just then the door cracked open revealing a man wearing a camouflage uniform with the US label embroidered on the front. The man had a raspy voice and with the rifle pointed at the greenette's head, he ordered Izuku to walk in front of him to the newly built wall around a prison like building.

Then Izuku stuttered to the man, "M-Mr? W-why are we here?"

The soldier only replied with, " Your here because you're on the wrong side of the war."

The child was now curious, " What do you mean the wrong side? Japan is the right side! The Americans killed my dad so they're the bad people ,"

" The point of this is to change that attitude and bring you over to our side" He briefly replied and pushed Izuku through the gates and locked it, walking over to get more prisoners. There he was a quirk suppressant was put on him as he was lead into yet another cell.

The next day he was forced out of his cell into an area where many corpses lay with other kids around his age. The bodies smelled corrosive and most of the kid's gagging reflexes had been turned on as another threw up. There was one kid the greenette had recognized

The explosive 4 year old shouted, "What the fuck! Why are all the adults dead?!" and right after he screamed in agony.

"Kachaan! Ahhg!" He felt electricity running through his body and his bones felt as if they were ablaze. He started shedding tears as he was whipped on his back and fell.

"This is what will happen to you guys if you step out of line."

Everyone answered as they trembled in fear, y-yes sir

336 words

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