47 - dOriTo cHroNicLeS

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dude if Chris ever writes a book on
his life, it should be called the
Dorito Chronicles


Holy fucking shit
That's amazing

I know I'm a genius

I'm gonna punch you

I hope it's with that big ass
ring and in the face


Anyways do you know he's the one?

Remember when you did
that interview in London
and practically talked only
about Sebastian?


That's exactly how I feel
with Chris. I love him so
much. He's my home. I'd
follow his ass wherever he
went. I can imagine the life
I'm gonna have with him.
It's gonna be me and him
with a bunch of rescues and
some little tiny humans
running around and Chris
is gonna chase them around
with Dodger

gross Chris is gonna be my
fucking brother-in-law
He better not steal my seat
right next to dad or I will cut

I'll let him know

you better

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