Change is in the air

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(Lavi POV)
When I woke it was in my bed back in the dorm. I had no recollection of how I came to be here. The last thing I remembered was sitting with Allen and Kanda staring into the fire. I reached out. The hammer was beside me in bed. Sitting up I looked around.
Allen was sitting on his chair at his desk. He was fully dressed. The black of his arm odd against his pale coloring. Kanda knelt beside him. He was rubbing a hand slowly up and down Allen’s new arm. The red eye from the night before had changed. Allen looked up to Kanda with his same blue sparkling eyes.
“It doesn’t bother you?” Allen asked fear, hatred, plus more resonating in his tone.
“No, it’s a part of you. How could anything that makes you whole bother me?” the taller boy looked up at him. Allen smiled into his eyes. He started to lean forward as Kanda began to rise on his knees.
“It wasn’t a dream then?” I interrupted their moment. Kanda growled as Allen threw himself back face flaming red.
“Nn no it wasn’t.” The pale boy stuttered. I leapt from my bed landing on my feet near Kanda. He had stood to glare at me.
“Stupid rabbit.” He muttered. I grinned.
“I’m starving.” Allen stated standing up. Kanda turned to look at him.
“Give me five minutes, I will go to the cafeteria with you.” I called as I ran into the bathroom. Quickly using the toilet I washed my hands and face. Dodging back out I saw Kanda stepping back from Allen. The white haired boy smiling at him. I ducked around them to slip my feet into my boots. Snagging the hammer I grabbed an old string tie panda had given to me to tie it to my thigh.
“Ready.” I called. Allen smiled at me as Kanda rolled his eyes. Allen pulled open the door. To my utter shock, horror, confusion, I saw Tikki a second before Allen walked into him.
“Well, well .” Tikki purred as he placed a hand on Allen’s chest to keep him from falling. His other arm was bent against the door jam he was leaning on. He was leering down at the boy.
“Here I thought you weren’t interested.” Tikki had no boundaries. Kanda yanked Allen back into the room. He stepped around the boy, his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.
“Keep your filthy hands off of him.” He growled. Tikki looked at his hands examining them. He held them up, looking at Kanda with his head tilted down. Tikki had long eye lashes that he gazed at the warrior through.
“Not a speck of dirt on them.” He taunted. I knew Tikki well enough to understand this as more of the challenge than Kanda was taking it for. Tikki had set his eyes on Allen. He always got what he wanted. I sighed. Reaching around Kanda I shoved Tikki back. Bumping Kanda forward so that I could step into the hall. It may have been the dumbest move of my life as I stepped between the two rivals.
“Back off on this one Tik.” I warned in a voice I hoped was to low for Kanda to hear. Tikki grinned an expression I knew all to well.
“You aren’t going to win this one. I know what he can do with that sword. Allen’s off limits.” I warned again. As always Tikki never believed anything was out of his reach.
“We’ll see about that. His heart was beating pretty fast at my touch pirate boy.” He looked back at Kanda, blowing him a kiss. One I knew was a challenge. This time Kanda took it as such. I was thrown into the wall so hard I saw spots dancing before my eyes.
I heard the samurai’s cry, the unmistakable zing of the sword being drawn. I heard Allen’s scream. Turning I tried to get to the pale boy. I didn’t want him to get hurt in this fight. I took two wobbling steps, Allen was before me, horror etched on his face. Then something hit my head. Allen cried my name. My head went blank.
Opening my eyes, I groaned at the light piercing them. Throwing my hand over my eyes, I cried out in pain.
“He’s awake.” I heard a tiny voice state.
“Turn the light off.” A guttural voice commanded.
“I got it.” The impish voice. I counted them off. Allen, Kanda and Krory were here. But what of Tikki.  The brightness behind my arm dimmed. I carefully lowered my hand. Slim fingers took mine in theirs.
“Hey there.” Allen was leaning over me. Looking into those innocent eyes I could see Tikki’s attraction to the teen.
“Al, please tell me Kanda killed him.” I whispered.
“Gee, lover boy, I thought I meant a little more to you than that.” I groaned. He was here. In the same room as them. I turned my head,
“You can be a bit much.” I said. Tikki grinned at me. He leaned over me, ensuring his face was mere inches from Allen’s. I saw him wink at the boy before his lips pressed into mine. I didn’t have the strength to stop him. The only thing I could do was refuse to respond. I felt Tikki’s hand slide down my chest. My body knew his touch well. Even if my mind knew he was only doing this for Kanda or Allen’s benefit. I groaned. Before I could shove the boy off of me he was pulled back.
It was on the tip of my tongue to thank the samurai until I saw who held the dark beauty that had been kissing me. “Leave him alone.” Krory snarled in the face of the other.
“Krory?” Allen and I said at the same time. The pale dark haired boys face flushed, but he pushed Tikki away from me.
“I think that is unanimous.” Lenalee’s normal gentle voice was tinged with steal. “No one wants you here, Tikki Mikk.” He smirked holding his hands up.
“Tell the dark prince here to let me go, and I will leave.” At Lenalee’s nod Krory let the other go. He turned back to me. With a smirk and a wink he bade me a short promise.
“Later, lover.” Before prancing out the door. I slammed my head back onto the bed, my fists clutching the blankets I screamed. Why did he always do this? He ruins everything good in my life.
“Maybe to make sure you always come back to him.” Daisya had been hiding in the corner. He stepped to Krory’s side.
“But you have us now. Nothing he does will make us leave you.” Krory said taking my hand. I laughed.
“Everyone says that. Tikki finds ways to push them all away from me.” I turned my head away, burring it into the pillow so they wouldn’t see the tears. I heard the rustling of clothing. Something long and thin was pressed into the opposite hand that Krory wasn’t holding.
“That was before you got this.” It was the first time I heard that voice so calm, almost caring, directed at me. In shock I spun my head around to look at him. There was dark spots in my vision for a moment before Kanda’s face came into focus.
“We are members of the Black Order. We don’t turn our backs on our friends.” He stated.
“Not even if that friend can’t stop sleeping with the guy who wants to break you and your boyfriend up?” I asked raising an eyebrow. Kanda smirked.
“Well we will have to find you someone better to sleep with.” I chuckled.
“You offering?” I teased. We were all shocked when Kanda tossed his head back and roared with laughter. I sat up in the bed. Groaning I gripped my aching head. Kanda was bent over laughing.
“I think you broke him.” Daisya said. Kanda shook his head wiping tears from his eyes.
“Stupid rabbit. I had thought about hitting on you when I saw you in the parking lot that first day.” We stared at him. My mouth wasn’t the only one hanging open. Kanda looked around at us all. He rolled his eyes.
“That was before short stack practically knocked me off my feet. Plus I found out about your reputation.” I blinked at him.
“You do realize I don’t fuck everyone I meet, right?” I asked. “I mean aside from Tikki, I have standards.” I cried
The doctor came in before any of my friends could respond. She yelled at them. Apparently Kanda had found a way to sneak them all in. Only one person was to be in the room. They walked out. The doctor examined me. Stated I had a slight concussion. Explained I may feel some dizziness but they thought I was fine to go home. They discharged me within the hour. I walked out to find them all still in the waiting room.  They cheered. We headed out together. My stomach growled. Allen turned to look at me.
“That’s right, Kanda knocked you out before you had breakfast.” He rubbed his own flat stomach. “I could go with something to eat too.” It was decided that we were going to the food court. We were met with Bak. He looked like he had been waiting for us,
“You have one hour to eat. Then meet us in the dark hall.” He demanded. He walked away before any of us could say anything. We ate quickly.
When we got to the hall that had the hidden staircase we found Alma, Suman, and  Noise Marie standing there.
“Oh, thank god we aren’t late.” Alma cried at seeing us.
“We followed you all the last time.” Noise Marie stated. “We couldn’t find the right brick to reveal the staircase.” Alma stepped up to Kanda. He placed a tanned hand on the boys chest.
“Please help us.” He pleaded. Kanda scoffed brushing the hand off. He walked to the wall.
“Rabbit!” He cried.
“Rabbit?” Alma asked looking like he thought Kanda had lost his mind. I sighed. The food had helped me some, but my head was still hurting. I moved to stand beside Kanda. Reaching out we worked together to find the right brick. Shoving it sideways, just as Allen cried out.
We turned to see the white haired boy flying through the air. He knocked the blind Nosie Marie back. Kanda and I looked down. Then at each other.
“Oop’s.” I said. We had forgotten to make sure no one was standing on the trap door. Kanda helped Allen back to his feet as Krory and Suman assisted Noise.
Without further incident we made our way down the stairs. Kanda in the lead, Allen behind him, then me. The others followed us as we walked into the tunnel. Stepping out into the chamber were we had been before we found it nearly empty.
Panda was there along with General Tiedoll and a female that hadn’t been introduced before. “This is Fo, a guardian trained in many forms of hand to hand combat, weapons and other ways to get you to speed in fighting.” General Tiedoll stated in from of greeting.
“Today we are going to split you up. Bookman will teach you the nature of your innocence, I will teach you how to activate it, Fo will teach you how to fight with it.” Tiedoll continued.
“Daisya, Kanda, Alma you are with me.” With that the general walked off to the left. It was apparent he expected those he named to follow him.
“Lavi.” The panda called my name drawing my attention to him. “Miranda, Lenalee and Krory your with me.” We followed him to the right. I turned as Fo called for Allen, Noise Marie and Suman to follow her to a large open field. They began with routine warm up. It was all I saw before the panda whacked me upside the head.
Krory and Lenalee were instantly in front of me. “Careful, he has a concussion.” Miranda scolded the short man.
“I’m fine.” I lied. The panda’s eyes boring into mine.  We sat down to listen to the panda talk about how god created the innocence so that we exorcist could fight the dark forces of the demon world. It was boring. It hurt my head and I found my attention wavering often. I fought to stay awake. After an hour General Tiedoll came to take us away. Allen’s group took our place.
We learned how to command our weapons. How to get them to respond to us. I found that I had a ring of abilities I could command the hammer to do. Not only could it extend, fly and smash things, it could also control certain elements.
“As you hone your skills, you will be able to master all the elements I feel.” Tiedolll told me.
Again after an hour we switched. Now we faced Fo. She taught Miranda how to use her time record as a weapon, if only it meant to heal us so we could continue to fight. My headache went away when the time activation came into effect. I was greatful Fo was merciless.
After another hour we were allowed to eat and talk. Kanda came walking over with Alma hanging on his shoulder. He wasn’t trying to push the boy back. Instead he looked like he was enjoying the others company. To the point he didn’t see the hit Allen took until it was too late.
Allen was hit from behind by Suman Dark. Suman apologized profusely but Allen was knocked out cold at our feet. I reached him before the others. Kanda had been the closest.
I knelt down lifting the snow white head into my lap. The ole panda arrived at my side. He thrust some potions under the boys nose. Soon he woke. My head had begun to hurt again without the time record activated. The panda noticed handing me a jar of salve. I dipped a finger into it, rubbing it under my nose. It helped.
Allen sat up. “You ok?” I asked. He laughed rubbing the back of his head.
“Yeah, never better.” We locked eyes before we both burst out laughing. We knew he was lying but neither of us would tell the others. Kanda helped Allen to his feet. I looked at Alma, he had a sour look on his face looking at the couple. Kanda was talking quietly in Allen’s ear. I moved to Alma’s side.
“There’s nothing you can do to get between them.” I warned. He glared at me.
“You think so?” He asked arching his eyebrows. He walked away instead of waiting for my answer.
“What is going on? First Tikki, now Alma?” I looked over Lenalee was standing at my side. “Can’t they just be happy?” she asked. I nodded. Looking across to where Krory was talking with Daisy. I saw the tall dark boy watching me. His face flamed as our eyes met. I smiled.

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