Close to death: Chapter 6

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It was a saturday, I was home alone. I know what your thinking, isn't that the beginning of every bad situation? Maybe. This is different, this is my life. I kept reading the Mary Ross Diary. I figured out that her mom was diagnosed with insomnia and was admitted to a mental asylum in 1806. She then lived alone with her dad, a drunk. She was abused daily, it brought me to tears. Then I got a text on my phone, I know right?
(815)-445-8163: Hi(: It's Issac, from school:-)
Me: Oh, Hey(:
Issac: Can I come over?
Me: Sure(:
Issac: Kay:-)
I turned off my phone.
Ding-Dong, I heard the sound of my doorbell. "Coming!" I yelled. I opened the door to Issac, He walked in impatiently. "Hey, What's up?" Issac asked. "Can I tell you something?" I asked impatiently. "Um, Sure." He replied. I then with hesitation said, "Strange things are happening, yesterday I saw a girl in my house but she vanished. I then found a diary from the 1800' in the basement." He stared, "That's some Physic stuff." I laughed. He pulled out a board. "A Ouija board, seriously?" I asked. "Try it", I agreed and we went along with it. The fingers moved a couple times, Spelling random letters like t-u-o-t-e-g. "See it doesn't work." I smirked. "Wait, TUOTEG Speeled backwards spells, get out. Rose, there's something behind you." I turned to see...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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