New Start, Right?: Chapter 2

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I heard the continuous beeping of my annoying alarm clock. I clicked the top and sighed. New School, New People, I thought to my self. The Thought Scared me, dramatically. I grabbed my plain black shirt with a plaid over top, and my converses. I put them on and walked out the cedar door. "Rose, You're going to be late, hurry." I heard my mom yelling. "Okay, Coming!" I replied. I ran out waiting for the bus to arrive. When it arrived I inhaled and exhaled in a sigh. I though, "Who would I sit by, What if.." I then heard the screech of the tires, rubber melting against the concrete. "Find a spot in the back." The somewhat smelly bus driver says. I nod. I look back to see a boy, he looks older. With Dark brown short hair, A bit stalky figure, and Greenish/Blue eyes. He smiles, I nod again. He leans to offer me a seat, which I accept. I then sit awkwardly beside him, smiling ocasionally. Then I hear the screech of tires again. Everyone gets up and clouds the hallways of school. The Boy is still by my side.

Something Strange About This HouseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ