Part 36 - Helping her

Start from the beginning

"Jesus you're loud!" He laughed

"Are you alright there Emily? Ear drums still in tact?" He joked

Emily nodded, she was so excited that he was talking to her. She knew the whole room would be jealous and wondering how he knew her. Dex knew that.

"Are you looking after my sweater?" He Asked

"Yes" smiled Emily,

"Emily was cold so she's looking after my sweater" Explained Dex, aware he was making her the envy of the entire room, she deserved to feel special he thought. All eyes were on Emily.

"Ya can keep it, just don't tell my girlfriend, she likes to steal my sweaters and that ones her favourite!" He smiled

Emily smiled back at him. The fact that he was as sweet as he was in her head made Emily's heart break just a tiny bit more. The band started to play again

"This ones for Emily" smiled Dex as he started to sing the bands only ballad, still perched on the edge of the stage. Girls were touching him all over, stroking his legs, running their hands down his chest, touching his hands, feeling like he was being totally violated he shivered at their touch whilst attempting to still stay in key. He reached out and took Emily's hand, he watched as a single tear rolled down her cheek. He hated the affect he had on these young girls, at his age he could see how ridiculous it was to be so infatuated with someone famous but he knew that teenagers couldn't see through it.
All eyes were on her. Mac stood close by, wary that jealous teenagers could be mean to her after all the attention she was getting from Dex.

The band finished their set and disappeared backstage. Some moments later Mac appeared with Emily.

Dex gave her a cuddle

"Did you enjoy that?" He asked, she burst into tears, nodding. Dex rubbed her back

"It was the best night of my entire life" gushed Emily

"Thank you. Thank you all" she said looking at CJ, Zach and Jesse.

"You're welcome" Said Zach

"Thank you for being such a loyal fan. Please ask your parents to give me a call, you have my number safe still don't you?" Dex asked

Emily nodded

"Mac can you give her some merch, tickets and make sure she gets home safe please?" Asked Dex

"Sure" Replied Mac.

"Thank you so much for all you've done for me tonight Dex, I'll die happy now" Said Emily

"Don't say that!" Dex Replied, his expression tinged with sadness, he couldn't understand how she could talk about it in such a matter of fact way.

"We'll get to do lots more together, I'm sure" Dex added, hopeful that it might be true. Dex gave her one last hug and said goodbye. Mac put an arm round her shoulder and led Emily away.

Dex checked his messages and began to reply to a text from Millie but his mind wouldn't let him concentrate. All be could think about was Emily's words and the fact that she may not be able to talk or walk soon if she'd even still be here at all. It seemed so cruel, she hadn't had a chance at life yet, she'd never go to college, get married, have a family, she's never get a proper shot to do anything and that hit Dex hard. He slid his phone back into his pocket and rushed through backstage to the fire exit, he opened it cautiously, knowing there were usually numerous fans waiting at every fire exit.

He opened the door, several girls were sat on the floor leaning against the building, all engrossed in their phones, he ran before any of them had time to realise it was him and get up. He ran down the side of the venue to the waiting taxis, he looked around quickly to see if he could spot Mac and Emily. Trying not to stand still too long allowing fans to surround him. Girls began to notice him, he could hear he screams coming up behind him, he spotted Mac putting Emily into a cab.

"Mac!" He shouted, running towards them, a trail of girls had formed running behind him. He got to the cab, exhausted, he tried to catch his breath to speak.

"Can I take her to get food?" He asked, breathing heavily he leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees. Mac held onto the cab door, shielding Dex between himself and the car from the group of fans that now gathered around them.

Mac didn't look happy.

"You'll be mobbed Dex and I'm not sure you can protect her as well as yourself against them all" he questioned, glancing to the huge crowd that had now swamped the entire car, all pushing and shoving to get closer to Dex,

"Just get in the car, tell the driver to just drive round for a bit and I'll call you" Said Mac, eager to get Dex out of the crowd. Dex slid into the back seat of the cab next to Emily, Mac forces the door shut and the cab sped away.

"Sorry girls, he's had to go, he's got something important to sort out tonight" Said Mac as he made his way back to the venue.

"Where are we going?" Smiled Emily, not quite sure what was going on but feeling like all her dreams had come true sitting next to Dex.

"Wanna grab some food?" He asked. Emily nodded

Dex's phone rang

"Hey Mac"

"Hey, just get a drive through, don't get out the car! If the press get pictures of you taking a minor out to eat your career will be ruined!" Said Mac, he was worried, he knew this was a bad idea and no matter how much of a nice thing he was trying to do for her it was bound to come back and bite him in the ass!

"Ok, I'll drop her home after and call you when I'm on my way back" said Dex

"Ok, be careful" Mac replied

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