~* envy and boyfriends *~

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I wanted to make Tsu jealous, but I just didn't know how. That was the case, until I met Hikaru. It as almost too perfect, like fate. So I decided to text him, praying that he would help this little lesbian out.


ok so like

i need you to pretend to be my boyfriend


first, who are you making jealous


my bff/crush


ok, i'll help your lesbian ass


my cute lesbian ass


tell everyone that you have a boyfriend

but kinda be shy about it, like smile all cute and stuff


my teeth are literal fangs but whatever


than i'll come pick you up from school, and my single ass will flirt with you




do you want it to seem real or not




than we need to act like a couple

anyway, i'll go talk to your crush, make up some things


ok, but how will we break up


ok, so we pretend we were dating for 2 months, but we ended up seeing each other more as friends


kk, i'll wait at the front gate tomorrow

// the next day //

I come into school, taking deep breaths, preparing my acting on the way. Before Aizawa comes in, I purposely slide myself next to Ashido. I bite my lip, and give a shy smile, forcing myself to blush. I make sure Tsu is near bye, knowing what Ashido was going to say.

"Woah, Y/N you'e totally blushing!" Ashido prctically shouts, smiling wide.

"Oh, uhm..." I put on my best acting skills, to have Ashido interrupt me again.

"Who is it? What their name?" Ashido gets up in my face, and I catch a glance of Tsu staring.

"I'm actually thinking of my boyfriend..." I stare down at the ground shyly, "He's coming here today."

There was a buzz of talk around the room, about my "boyfriend" to be specific.

"Ooo, can I meet him? I want to meet him! What's his name? How old is he? What's he look like?"

I slyly smirk, although no one could see, because Hikarus plan was going perfectly.

"A-ah, you might want to wait to meet him. He has a cousin in 1-B though!"

Ashido frowns, but continues to jump around excitedly, talking about Hikaru.

The day goes by in much of  blur, not really talking to tsu much, only minimal conversation. I found myself hanging around Tokoyami. From what I could gather, Tsu was probsbly hanging around Ochako, Midoriya, and Iida. I tried my best to pay no mind to her, at least until Hikaru could come.

I wait outside the front gate, Ashido standing next to me, Tsu watching from afar. I see Hikaru, and wave him over. He must have really gotten into it, because his hair is gelled, and he's wearing a leather jacket. He's sporting more of a bad boy look, especially since I saw him come in on a motorcycle.

"Hey, Hikaru." I smile softly, at him, tiptoeing to hug him. I tried to make it seem realistic, but I did not like acting all cutesy and flirt with Hikaru. 

// suddden pov change :O //

Hikarus POV

I sling an arm around Y/N neck, giving a lazy smile. 

"Hey, who is it?" I whisper into her ear.

"Green hair, but keep an eye out for pinky, she knows a relationship when she see's one." Y/N whispers back.

Casually, I go up and approach a green haired girl. She has a bit of a derpy look, and stands much farther back.

"So much for a friend." I think, even though I knew why she was standing far back.

"Hey, I'm Hikaru. Y/N has talked a lot about her friends, but I didn't hear a lot about you."

"I'm Tsuyu Asui, but call me Tsu. Y/N and I are best friends." Tsu says, a stoic expression plastered on her face, but her voice wavers her when she says best friend.

"Best friend, huh? I wonder why she never mentioned you a lot, after all you seem like a nice person." I smile, sarcasm in my voice, but trying to be kind so her friends wouldn't get suspicious or angry.

I curtly move on, watching carefully to see if her expression changes. Her eyes water up, but she just stands there, quiet as ever.

"Ah, and this must be the infamous Mina Ashido!"

Right away I'm bombarded with questions.

"How did you guys meet? How old are you? How long have you been dating for? DO you truly love l/N, and blah, blah, blah..."

"Woah, slow down. I'm Hikaru Tetsutetsu, I have a cousin in 1-B. I'm 17 . Y/N an I have actually been dating for two months. Funny story, but we actually met on the subway.

"Oo, tell me, tell me!" Ashido exclaims.

I take a quick glance at frog girl, and she's crying.


I'm going to be nearing the end of this story soon, than I'm going to be working on my oneshot book. I feel too much pressure having to keep up with a constant story, so that's that.

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